期刊目錄列表 - 69卷(2024) - 【師大學報】69(2)九月刊(本期專題:永續與人文:人文視野下的環境與生態)

從耶儒對話再思生態文明:一個漢語神學的觀點 作者:莫介文(香港中文大學宗教倫理與中國文化研究中心副研究員)


在國家政策的推動下,中國以「生態文明」為主旋律,積極參與緩解全球氣候與生態危機,將中國文化視為具有高度生態友善的傳統,因而成為促進環保的重要資源。本研究以宋明新儒學與漢語神學的對話為切入點,批判性地探討和評估生態文明的概念,指出中國的生態文明建設不應僅依賴官方論述,也不能停留在生態社會主義,而須從更深層的文化和宗教角度加以探討,以實現中國文化的生態潛力。尤其是,宋明新儒家的「氣」與「理」強調透過精神修為達至天人合一的境界,並引導人類走上與自然和諧共處的生活模式;漢語神學家 的基督論與救贖論則為人類順應私欲而忽略他人福祉的傾向提供解決方案,進一步探索個人和社會轉化的可能性。因此,儒家和漢語基督教的對話能補充和深化中國在推動環保上的文化和宗教層面,為建設生態文明提供不可或缺的精神資源。


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APA FormatBryan K. M. Mok. (2024). Reconsidering Ecological Civilization through Confucian-Christian Dialogue: A Sino-Christian Perspective.  Journal of National Taiwan Normal University69(2), 53-78. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202409_69(2).0003
Chicago FormatBryan K. M. Mok. “Reconsidering Ecological Civilization through Confucian-Christian Dialogue: A Sino-Christian Perspective.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 69, no. 2 (2024): 53-78. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202409_69(2).0003.

Journal directory listing - Volume 69 (2024) - Journal of NTNU【69(2)】September

Reconsidering Ecological Civilization through Confucian-Christian Dialogue: A Sino-Christian Perspective Author: Bryan K. M. Mok ( Centre for the Study of Religious Ethics and Chinese Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Research Associate )

Vol.&No.:Vol. 69, No. 2
Date:September 2024

As part of the global effort to address the ecological crisis, the concept of ecological civilization has become a prominent movement in China, driven by state policy. This movement often highlights the ecological aspects of Chinese culture, presenting it as an asset to environmentalism. This paper critically evaluates this perspective by exploring its cultural and religious dimensions through the dialogue between neo-Confucianism and Sino-Christian theology. It argues that constructing an ecological civilization in China cannot rely solely on official discourse, nor be confined to eco socialism, but requires a deeper cultural and religious exploration to fully realize the ecological potential of Chinese culture. Specifically, it posits that neo-Confucian concepts such as qi (氣) and li (理) can guide humanity towards unity with the cosmos and a harmonious relationship with nature through spiritual cultivation. Additionally, it suggests that the Christology and soteriology of Chinese Christian thinkers can enhance this path of personal and social transformation by addressing the human tendency to prioritize selfish desires over the well-being of others. Both the Confucian and Chinese Christian worldviews are essential to constructing an ecological civilization, offering profound insights into the cultural and religious dimensions of the movement.

Keywords:sustainability, ecological civilization, Sino-Christian theology, Confucianism, environmentalism