期刊目錄列表 - 48卷第2期(2003) - 【人文與社會類】48(2)   十二月刊

格拉斯哥風格的式樣分析-以麥金塔的作品為例 作者:李佩玲(台南女子技術學院商品設計系、國立雲林科技大學設計學系)、楊裕富(國立雲林科技大學建築與室內設計系)



格拉斯哥風格在新藝術運動的式樣算是獨樹一格,當所有設計師傾向於對自然形態的依賴而表現出柔性的設計風格之際,以設計師麥金塔(Charles Rennie Mackintosh,1868-1928)為首的"格拉斯哥四人"卻慢慢地脫離自然形態的曲線風格,率先地提出"方形風格"(Cubic Style)的式樣,無論在建築、室內設計或家具設計上,麥金塔的格狀風格式樣,形成了幾何抽象風格的先驅。本文嘗試以不同的角度解析麥金塔的式樣風格,並利用式樣的拆解解析格拉斯哥風格的脈絡,從兩張座椅作品的實際拆解變形中發現,格拉斯哥風格的式樣不僅展現格線的理性意象,並嚴謹地展現整體與單元構件的比例關係,也由於從細微到巨觀的縝密考量,使得麥金塔的作品成為永恆、經典之作,因此格拉斯哥風格被視為現代風格的萌芽特徵,不僅開啟了幾何形態的新紀元,也影響當代設計師對其風格的回應與效法。



APA FormatLee, P.-L., & Yang, Y.-F. (2003). An Analysis of Glasgow Style with the Works of Mackintosh as Example. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities & Social Science, 48(2), 135-148. doi:10.6210/JNTNULL.2003.48(2).04

Journal directory listing - Volume 48 Number 2 (2003) - Humanities & Social Sciences【48(2)】December

An Analysis of Glasgow Style with the Works of Mackintosh as Example Author: Pei-Ling Lee(Department of Product Design, Tainan Woman's College of Arts and Technology、Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)、Yu-Fu Yang(Department of Architecture and Interior Design)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 48, No.2
Date:December 2003


Whether we are speaking of architecture, interior design or furniture design, Glasgow style is significantly different from Art Nouveau. While most designers were still relying on the natural form and thus creating a kind of Feminine Art, the designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) broke away from the curving figures of natural form and introduced the "cubic style." The Mackintosh style of latticework became the forerunner and foundation of the abstract geometrical style. This study looks at Glasgow style from different perspectives and analyzes its technique by disassembling. In the disassembling of two chairs we can see how this style not only presents the formal image of latticework but also shows us the proportional relationship between the whole and its parts. Due to its refinement, its attention from the subtlest details to the whole, Glasgow Style became the standard, and now is regarded as the completion and epitome of modern style; it has therefore opened an era of new possibilities in the creation of geometrical forms in design.

Keywords:Glasgow style, Mackintosh,Style Analysis,Cubic style