期刊目錄列表 - 51卷第2期(2006.10) - 【人文與社會類】51(1&2)

多元識讀與動畫敘事課程在國語文領域統整中的應用 - 一個國語文領域統整課程發展之經驗分享 作者:徐靜嫻(輔仁大學師資培育中心)






中文APA引文格式徐靜嫻(2006)。多元識讀與動畫敘事課程在國語文領域統整中的應用 ─ 一個國語文領域統整課程發展之經驗分享。師大學報:人文與社會類51(1&2),55-77。doi:10.6210/JNTNULL.2006.51.04
APA FormatHsu, C.-H. (2006). Multi-literacy and the Use of Animated Narratives in the Development of an Integrated Chinese Language Curriculum. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities & Social Science, 51(1&2), 55-77. doi:10.6210/JNTNULL.2006.51.04

Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 2 (2006/October) - Humanities & Social Sciences【51(1&2)】

Multi-literacy and the Use of Animated Narratives in the Development of an Integrated Chinese Language Curriculum Author: Ching-Hsien Hsu(Center of Teacher Education,Fu Jen Catholic University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, No.1&2
Date:October 2006


The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze, by means of collaborative inquiry, the results of a Chinese language curriculum development project. More specifically, the researchers were concerned with the possibility of using animated narratives and other multi-media applications in designing an integrated Chinese Language curriculum. Our research shows that the use of a narrative curriculum produces positive results in reading comprehension, the use of reading strategies, the improvement of multi-literacy skills, and the ability to share life experiences in Chinese. In addition, collaborative inquiry as a mode of interaction is highly recommended for cooperative efforts involving college experts and classroom practitioners in the future.

Keywords:collaborative inquiry, multi-literacy, narrative curriculum, curriculum integration for Chinese language courses