期刊目錄列表 - 51卷第2期(2006.10) - 【人文與社會類】51(1&2)

高雄縣網路文化建設發展藍圖之建構研究 作者:謝顒丞(國立臺灣藝術大學圖文傳播藝術學系)、江茂源(國立臺灣藝術大學圖文傳播藝術學系)



在e 台灣政策下,近幾年國家極力推展網路文化建設發展計畫,網路文化蓬勃發展,數位革命與知識經濟的結合,創造了一個全新的數位學習市場,政府在網路文化建設上不遺餘力,意欲提升全民數位、文化及藝術之生活,各地方縣市富含豐沛的藝術文化資源,民眾應有在地的精緻文化生活,然而卻未有為地方縣市所量身打造之網路文化建設發展計畫,因此,本研究以高雄縣為例,以地方「文化」及「藝術」為出發點,藉由文件分析、問卷調查、文物清查、田野調查、焦點團體座談、專家深度訪談等質量並重之研究方法進行分析,以建構高雄縣網路文化建設發展藍圖:「文物保存」、「教育學習」、「加值應用服務」、「鄉土研究」、「行動生活」、「數位出版」等六個框架構念。



APA FormatHsieh, Y.-C., & Jiang, M.-Y. (2006). Establishing an “e-Culture Construction and Development Roadmap” for Kaohsiung County. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities & Social Science, 51(1&2), 55-77. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNULL.2006.51.05

Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 2 (2006/October) - Humanities & Social Sciences【51(1&2)】

Establishing an “e-Culture Construction and Development Roadmap” for Kaohsiung County Author: Yung-Cheng Hsieh (Graphic Communication Arts,National Taiwan University of Arts), Mau-Yuan Jiang (Graphic Communication Arts,National Taiwan University of Arts)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, No. 1&2
Date:October 2006


The digital or information age has clearly arrived, and the Internet is playing an increasingly dominant role in contemporary society. It is therefore very important that we use our newest digital technology to restore and maintain our cultural heritage in Taiwan. There are many precious art works and other cultural artifacts in Kaohsiung County, including those collected in museums and county libraries. The purpose of this project was to establish the roadmap for an e-Culture Construction and Development Plan for Kaohsiung County, whose purpose would be to popularize cultural holdings, especially in the fine arts, and to improve the creativity and quality of contemporary city life. This project’s methods included documentary analysis, interview surveys, questionnaire surveys and field surveys, as well as the use of a focus group The “roadmap” was established based on the following guidelines: “Preservation of Heritage,” “Education & Learning,” “Value-Added Applications & Services,” “Local Studies,” “Mobile Life,” and “Digital Publishing.”

Keywords:value-added applications & services, museums, libraries, the construction of e-Culture, roadmap