期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第二十七期 (1982)

頂點,邊與區著色 作者:吳森原、李世文(國立臺灣師範大學理學院數學研究所)


STEPHEN B. MAURER [3] 曾討論到圖形中頂點著色不具孤立點(vertex-coloring without isolates)的性質。在本文中我們將此性質應用到圖形邊著色上稱為邊著色不具孤立邊(edge-coloring without isolates),並分別應用到平面地圖與球面圖上,稱為區著色不具孤立區(region-coloring without isolates),且更深遠地討論到圖形G的每一階線圖形Ln(G)上。


Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 27 (1982)

Vertex, Edge and Region Coloring Author: Shih-Jen Lee, Son-Yen Wu(Institute of Mathematics College of Sciences)


S.B. Maurer [3] has studied the properties of vertex coloring without isolates in graph. In this paper, we use these concepts to study the properties of edge-coloring without isolates in a graph and apply it to plane graphs and sphere graphs, called region coloring without isolates. Furthermore, we also study these properties in any order of line graph Ln(G)