期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第二十七期 (1982)

簡易點滴法辨識普通化合物之溶解度大小與顏色 作者:李培華、周治群(國立臺灣師範大學理學院化學系)


利用點滴法(Spot test) ,將實驗中常見之13種試劑滴在白紙上,藉其彼此間之反應形成有顏色的沉澱,而來辨別化合物之顏色及化合物在水中溶解度的大小。本實驗之設計,除了針對目前高中化學課本第十章有關溶解度定性討論之部分無良好適當之實驗外,另一特色則為本實驗所使用之器材簡單(白紙與滴瓶),操作容易(不須在特定實驗室中進行),節省時間(約10分鐘可完成),節省藥品(只需數滴),同時教師亦可在課堂上示範操作或將結果利用投影機投射在牆壁或銀幕上,以利教學。


Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 27 (1982)

To Recognize the Solubility and Color of Common Chemicals by Spot Tests Author: Chyh-Chyun Chou, Pei-Hua Lee(Department of Chemistry College of Sciences)


By a spot test-dropping thirteen reagents generally available in laboratory on white paper separately, the different color of precipitates will be observed through each other's reaction. This experiment is proper for the qualitative discussion of solubility in the high school textbook. It can be done easily and quickly. Besides, only simple equipment and a few chemicals are required.