期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第二十九期 (1984)

弱型算子的Kolmogorov條件之探討 作者:陳昭地(國立臺灣師範大學理學院數學系)


本文主要的目的在予完整地探討弱型算子的Kolmogorov 條件,Kolmogorov條件在研究弱型算子上是相當重要的性質;而算子的強、弱型之性質在實分析學上具有廣泛應用的工具,因此對算子Kolmogorov 條件之研究具有其實質意義。


Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 29 (1984)

A Note on the Kolmogorov Condition of a Weak Type Operator Author: Jau-D. Chen


In this article we are mainly concerned with the Kolmogorov condition which is a very nice tool to study the type of an operator. It is proved that an operator T from m(Ω1) to (Ω2), is of o-finite, is of weak type (p,s), l≦ p ≦∞, 1≦s≦∞, if and only if T satisfies the Kolmogorov condition. It is also pointed out that the hypothesis "Ω2 is of a-finite", is not redundant.