期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第三十期 (1985)

勞伊X─ 光繞射圖形之微電腦計算及繪製 作者:林麗娟、陳瑞虹(國立臺灣師範大學理學院物理系)




Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 30 (1985)

The Plotting of Laue X-Ray Diffraction Pattern by Computation Author: L.J. Lin, R. Chen


Laue x-ray diffraction patterns are generated by computation when the orienta-tion of crystal as referred to incident x-ray beam is known. These plots can serve as standard patterns to index Laue photographs directly.