期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十六期 (1991)

國民中小學體罰問題之調查研究 作者:陳榮華、林坤燦(國立臺灣師範大學教育學院)


  調查結果顯示,1.在認知上,多數教師、家長及學生都認為「獎懲並用」及「勸導善誘」的方式,最能改正學生的不良行為與提高學生的學業成績。2.唯在 實際行動上,約有87.2%的老師,承認曾經在一個學期內體罰學生一次或以上,更有92.8%的學生表示曾受體罰,其中尚有23%的學生在一個星期內就受體罰5至10次。3.有一部份教師(45.7%)、家長(55.6%)及學生(42.9%)表示家長曾要求教師體罰其子女,而一般教師最常用採用的體罰方 式依序為「打手心」、「罰站」、「打臀部」、「罰勞動服務」與「半蹲」等等。4.絕大多數的教師(95.5%)、家長(90.1%)及學生(79.9%) 認為只要不造成傷害,適度的體罰是可以允許的。5.倘若允許適度體罰,多數受訪者贊同應由導師執行體罰最適當,所採用的體罰方式應限於「打手心」、「罰 站」與「罰勞動服務」等等。6.適度體罰的實施原則有:需先行警告再體罰、說明被罰理由、依個別犯錯輕重決定是否徵求家長同意、需建立被罰學生的申訴管道 等。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 36 (1991)

A Survey on the Problem of Corporal Punishment in Elementary and Junior High School Author: Yung-Hwa Chen, Kun-Tsan Lin(College of Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


The purpose of this study is to investigate the views and facts of corporal punishment by teachers, students, and parents in recent years. In addition, a practicable program for the gov-ernment to solve the problems arising from corporal punishment is proposed.
The subjects are choson from 52 elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan, including 2191 teachers, 1312 parents, and 6941 students. Three sets of questionnaires are provided for teachers, parents, and students respectively.
The results of this investigation are:
1.Cognitively most teachers, parents, and students regard both reward-punishment and ex-hortation as the better ways to correct students misbehavior and to increase students acieve-ment.
2.Practically 87.2% of the teachers admit that they practiced corporal punishment once or more than once last semester. And 92.8% of the students acknowledge that they have been punished corporally. Among them 23% were punished 5-10 tunes in a semester.
3.Teachers (45.7%), patents (55.6%), and students (84%), admit that parents have asked teachers to punish their children. And the most pervasive forms of corporal punishment used by teachers are "plain swatting", "standing", "spanking", "forced labor", and "bending".
4.Teachers (95.5%), parents (90.1%), and students (79.9%) agree that as long as no in-jury is inflicted, proper corporal punishment is permissible.
5.If proper corporal punishment is allowed, a set of guidelines must be established to be followed by the school and approved by a higher educati