期刊目錄列表 - 45卷第2期(2000.10) - 【人文與社會科學類】45(1&2)

臺灣綠色消費運動的參與分析-主婦聯盟共同購買為例 作者:王順美(國立臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所)、柯芸婷(桃園縣立永豐中學)、江琇瑩(國立臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所)






APA FormatWang, S.-M., Ko, Y.-T. & Chiang, H.-Y. (2000). The Analysis of Participating in the Green Consumerism Movement in Taiwan-Collective Buying by the Home Maker Union. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities & Social Science, 45(1&2), 15-28. doi:10.6210/JNTNULL.2000.45.02

Journal directory listing - Volume 45 Number 2 (2000/October) - Humanities & Social Sciences【45(1&2)】

The Analysis of Participating in the Green Consumerism Movement in Taiwan-Collective Buying by the Home Maker Union Author: Shun-Mei Wang(Graduate Institute of Environmental Education,National Taiwan Normal University),Hsiu-Ying Chiang(Graduate Institute of Environmental Education,National Taiwan Normal University),Yun-Ting Ko(Tao-Yun County Yung-Fong Middle School)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 45
Date:October 2000


Over-consumption has caused resource depletion and environmental pollution. It is important to correct consumption behavior. The Home Maker Union adopt a collective buying idea from Japan to promote a green consumerism movement in Taiwan. This research studies the status of the movement through participatory observing, telephone interviewing and surveying the members of the vegetable bans. The researchers found that urban area women with kids, high education, middle-high income participated this movement. They were concerned with health and environmental problems so that participated it. However, the members of this organization turn over quickly. Members easily faced some barriers, for example no choice for their vegetable、high price and difficulty of organizing "ban." Right now, the active members who shared ban's work are one third. However, they did not build conscious consumption yet. The researchers suggested the organization provide various and gradual steps to attract more women's participation and build their consumption consciousness.

Keywords:green consumerism, collective buying, community environmental education, social movement