期刊目錄列表 - 50卷第2期(2005.10) - 【教育類】50(2)

國中小學校行銷指標與行銷運作之研究 作者:黃義良(中華醫事學院幼兒保育系)



本研究目的旨在建構國中小的學校行銷指標及行銷量表,並據以瞭解當前學校行銷運作之現況。研究中採用非結構訪談、Delphi、AHP 和問卷調查等研究方法。研究者訪談十一位國中小校長,邀集26 位的Delphi 小組成員;現況調查部份以分層隨機方式抽樣762 位國中小校長,有效回收問卷為525 份,有效回收率為68.9%。
一、結合文獻理論及教育現場的非結構訪談成果,再經Delphi 所確認完成的學校行銷指標可作為學校行銷的重要內涵,包括內部、外部與互動三個向度、十一個層面及六十題細項。
三、背景變項為任職年資「5 至8 年者」、「研究所」、「49 班以上」、「都市」地區與「國小」的校長知覺學校行銷運作情形較為理想。



APA FormatHwang, I-L. (2005). School Marketing Operations Indices for Junior High and Primary Schools. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 50(2), 139-158. doi:10.3966/2073753X2005105002008

Journal directory listing - Volume 50 Number 2 (2005/October) - Education【50(2)】

School Marketing Operations Indices for Junior High and Primary Schools Author: I -Liang Hwang(Department of Early Childhood Care and Education, Chung Hwa College of Medical Technology)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 50, No. 2
Date:October 2005


The purpose of this study is to construct school marketing operations indices for junior high and primary schools, in order better to understand how marketing operations are performed at today’s junior high and primary schools. Non-constructive interviews, Delphi techniques, AHP, and a questionnaire survey were adopted in the study. The Delphi expert team consisted of 26 members. 762 principals of junior high and primary schools were stratified randomly sampled in order to arrive at a survey sample, and 525 responded. The effective response rate was 68.9%.
The concrete findings were as follows:
1.The marketing indices comprise 3 dimensions, 11 phases and 60 details.
2.When a principal sees that the overall marketing operation has reached an ideal condition, among the 3 dimensions internal marketing is usually perceived the best one, followed by interactive marketing and external marketing.
3.Principals who “have a master’s degree” and who have served “for 5 to 8 years,” “at a school with more than 49 classes,” “at an urban area school ” and/or “at a primary school” tend to perceive most clearly the way in which school marketing operates.
Based on these results, some recommendations are made, as well as suggestions for further research.

Keywords:junior high schools and primary schools, school marketing, marketing indices