期刊目錄列表 - 52卷(2007) - 【教育類】52(3) 十二月刊

建立終身學習機構夥伴關係的策略聯盟作法研議 作者:吳明烈(國立中正大學成人及繼續教育系暨研究所)(國立暨南國際大學成人與繼續教育研究所)



終身學習社會的發展,乃是一種群策群力的過程,所有的行動者均扮演著關鍵角色,彼此間應建立起熱絡的夥伴關係,共同為終身學習的發展而共同努力。自1990 年代中期以來,終身學習夥伴關係(partnership)與策略聯盟(strategic alliance)的建立,日益受到聯合國教科文組織(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO) 、經濟合作發展組織(Organisation for Economic and Co-operation Development, OECD)、歐盟(European Union, EU)等國際組織及各國之重視。終身學習機構是推動全民終身學習的核心組織。邁向學習社會的過程中,終身學習機構扮演著關鍵角色。倘若終身學習機構,在進行夥伴關係與策略聯盟時,能充分掌握原則並善用方法,則將能產生合作的綜效,並產生高槓桿效應。



APA FormatWu, M.-L. (2007). Building Partnerships and Strategic Alliance for Lifelong Learning Institutions. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 52(3), 1-18. doi:10.3966/2073753X2007125203001

Journal directory listing - Volume 52 (2007) - Education【52(3)】December

Building Partnerships and Strategic Alliance for Lifelong Learning Institutions Author: Ming-Lieh Wu(Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Chung Cheng University)(Graduate Institute of Adult and Continuing Education, National Chi Nan University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 52, No. 3
Date:December 2007


The OECD, UNESCO, European Union and many countries have been supporting the partnerships and strategic alliance for lifelong learning since the middle of 1990s. The development of Partnerships and strategic alliance for lifelong learning is necessary for the realization of a learning society. It plays an essential role in the process of developing the learning society. This paper explores the development of partnerships and strategic alliance for lifelong learning. First, it describes the meanings, contents, relations and functions of partnership and strategic alliance. Second, it analyzes their characteristics, life cycle, quality elements, and their development situations by the international organizations and in Germany, England and Taiwan. Third, it discusses the six principles of strategic alliance in lifelong learning institutions. Further, it suggests some methods for the development of strategic alliance in lifelong learning institutions.

Keywords:lifelong learning, lifelong learning institution, strategic alliance, partnership