期刊目錄列表 - 53卷(2008) - 【教育類】53(1) 四月刊

以答題信心度為基礎之線上診斷評量系統 作者:黃國禎(國立臺南大學數位學習科技系)、朱蕙君(國立臺南大學數位學習科技系)、王榕榆(國立暨南國際大學資訊管理學系)





APA FormatHuang, G.-C., Chu, H.-C., & Wang, R.-Y. (2008). Development of an On-Line Learning-Problem Diagnostic System Using a Confidence-Scoring Mechanism. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 53(1), 1-24. doi:10.3966/2073753X2008045301001

Journal directory listing - Volume 53 (2008) - Education【53(1)】April

Development of an On-Line Learning-Problem Diagnostic System Using a Confidence-Scoring Mechanism Author: Gwo-Jen Hwang(Department of Information and Learning Technology National University of Tainan),Hui-Chun Chu(Department of Information and Learning Technology National University of Tainan),Rung-Yu Wang(Department of Information Management National Chi Nan University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 53, No. 1
Date:April 2008


In conventional testing systems, students usually take a test by selecting one or more answers for each test item. Nevertheless, the confidence degree of individual student in answering each test item is usually ignored, which might affect the accuracy of diagnosing student learning problems. Researchers have attempted to cope with this problem by developing test systems that allow students to show their degree of confidence regarding the answer to each test item. Such a confidence scoring mechanism has been proved to be effective. However, the existing confidence scoring mechanism is mainly based on the subjective judgments of the students, which may reduce the degree of diagnostic accuracy. In this study, we attempt to develop a new confidence-scoring model by taking the “time spent answering each test item on the Internet” factor into consideration while determining the conference degree for individual students to answer each test item. To evaluate this innovative approach, an experiment has been conducted using a Chinese word- identification course. Experimental results showed that our approach can provide more accurate learning suggestions to students, and hence is more helpful in improving their learning performance than previously proposed approaches.

Keywords:Chinese language instruction, remedial instruction, diagnosis test, computer-assisted learning, web-based learning