期刊目錄列表 - 55卷(2010) - 【教育科學研究期刊】55(2) 六月刊

高中學生生涯發展組型建構及其在升學與生涯輔導上的意義 作者:吳武典(國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系名譽教授)、簡茂發(財團法人大學入學考試中心主任)、洪冬桂(財團法人大學入學考試中心副主任)、舒琮慧(財團法人大學入學考試中心專門委員)、鄒小蘭(臺北市立第一女中特殊教育教師)、張芝萱(臺北市立建國中學資優教育教師)、吳道愉(國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系博士候選人)



本研究旨在發現高中學生不同的「生涯發展組型」(career development patterns, CDP),進而對CDP進行效度考驗,並探析其在升學及生涯輔導上的意義。本研究分三部分:一、組型建構:採取量化取向之調查法,根據20所高中1,443名學生在「工作價值觀量表」、「生涯探索量表」與「多元智能量表」上的評量結果,加上學科能力測驗(五科)成績,以總共三十種變項進行因素分析和典型相關分析,綜合研判組合成為八種有意義的CDP,包括實用組型、研究組型、藝術組型、社會組型、企業組型、事務組型、人文組型和數理組型;二、組型驗證:以4所高中327名學生為樣本,以「我的特質」及「學生特質」檢核表為效標,考驗兩者與CDP之相關及高、低分組之差異,結果發現,八種CDP與效標間大多呈現相對應的顯著正相關,也具有良好的同時效度,惟學生自評的效度高於教師的評定;三、組型應用:首先詮釋各CDP的內涵,然後透過專家及資深輔導教師的諮詢座談,修正各組型內涵。最後,進行優勢組型(組型分數T≧60)之人數分布分析與個案分析,結果發現,優勢組型的分布存在著很大的個別差異,或屬於單一優勢,或屬於多重優勢,而各校均有優勢學生(合占約四成)。根據研究發現,研究者提出若干對CDP的應用及高中生升學與生涯輔導的建議。


《詳全文》 檔名

APA FormatWu, W.-T., Chien, M.-F., Hung, T.-K., Shu, T.-H., Chau, H.-L., Chang, C.-H., & Wu, T.-Y., (2010). The Construction of Career Development Patterns and Its Applications to Academic and Career Counseling. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 55(2), 29-72. doi:10.3966/2073753X2010065502002

Journal directory listing - Volume 55 (2010) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【55(2)】June

The Construction of Career Development Patterns and Its Applications to Academic and Career Counseling Author: Wu-Tien Wu(Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University),Maw-Fa Chien(College Entrance Examination Center),Tung-Kuei Hung(College Entrance Examination Center),Tzung-Huei Shu(College Entrance Examination Center),Hsiao-Lan Chau(Taipei First Girls High School),Chih-Hsuan Chang(Taipei Chien-Kuo Senior High School),Tao-Yu Wu(Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 55, No. 2
Date:June 2010


The purposes of this study are twofolds: 1) To explore the “career development patterns” (CDPs) of senior high school students (SHSs) and define the meaning of the CDP; 2) To exmine the validity of the CDP and the application of the CDP to academic and career counseling. There are three parts of this study: 1) The construction of CDPs: 1,443 SHSs from 20 senior high schools took the Work Value Inventory, the Career Exploration Inventory, the Multiple Intelligences Scales, and the Academic Achievement Tests. Eight CDPs were then identified by means of factor analysis, cannonnical correlation analysis and comprehensive judgement based on 30 variables of the five measures. The eight CDPs were Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional, Humanistic, and Scienticic; 2) The validitaion of CDPs: 327 students from 4 SHSs served as the subjects of validitaion. The “My Charactistics” and the “My Students’ Charactistics” checklists and rating scales were devised for students and teachers and exployed as the criteria of concurrent validity. It was found that most of the criterion measures were significantly correlated to CDP measures and had significant differential effects on two extreme CDP groups. However, students’ self-reports were found more effective than teachers’ ratings, and the concret and checklist method was more effective than the subjective over-all rating, especially for teachers; 3) The application of CDPs: The interpretation of CDPs was made and further revised by focus-group discussion, followed by identifing the subjects with superior CDPs (T≧60) at four senior high schools. It was found that there were 41.6% of the total subjects with one or more superior CDPs. However, there existed salient inter- and intra-individual differences in this regard. Finally, applications and suggestions of CDPs in academic and career counseling are given according to the research findings.

Keywords:work value, career exploration, career development pattern, career counseling multiple intelligences