期刊目錄列表 - 51卷第1期(2006.4) - 【教育類】51(1)

普羅大眾說出「創造力」的語言及其反映的思維:以2003年台灣6-19歲社群為例 作者:黃譯瑩(國立政治大學師資培育中心)






APA FormatHuang, Y.-Y. (2006). Taiwanese Youth's Language of and Thought on Creativity. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 51(1), 103-129. doi:10.3966/2073753X2006045101006

Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 1 (2006/April) - Education【51(1)】

Taiwanese Youth's Language of and Thought  on Creativity

Author: Yi-Ying Huang(Institute of Teacher Education, National Chengchi University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, No. 1
Date:April 2006


Creativity is currently one of the hottest issues in the educational and social movements. But, little attention is paid to the fundamental question such as: By whom is the public's creativity facilitated? And, what on earth is the public's creativity anyway? Through survey, this research uses qualitative and statistical methods inquiring (1) the 6-19 age-level Taiwanese public's words expressed for "creativity" and the thought embedded behind, and (2) their agreement extent towards those of the Anglo-American academic's. Findings include: (1) the 6-19 age-level public's words with higher agreement extent on the states and characteristics of creativity are mostly different from those of the academic's. (2) As to the 6-19 age-level public, creativity miraculously exists in each particular individual, appears as the capability, feeling, sudden or unexpected imagination, playacts as the rich and changeable idea, or shows its existence through the novel, interesting or cute things, discoveries, and concrete but free actions. (3) Their thoughts about creativity are much more polycentric, reflect images of their age, and especially emphasize the attribute of amusement. On contrast, memories of socialization, pragmatic expectations, images of a rationalistic adult, and interests towards modernity emerge from the language of the academic. (4) The 6-19 age-level public's language about the states and characteristics of creativity is significantly influenced by the gender, age, and educational degree.

Keywords:the 6-19 age-level Taiwanese public, creativity, language, the Anglo-American academic, thought