期刊目錄列表 - 51卷第1期(2006.4) - 【教育類】51(1)

學童早期口語理解能力之檢測 作者:楊志堅(國立台中教育大學教育測驗統計研究所)、蘇啟明(國立中正大學心理學系)、沈文娟(臺中縣崇光國小)



口語理解能力在學童早期的學習能力中是特別重要的能力之一,本研究中特別發展了一套中文的口語理解測驗工具,適用於臺灣的一年級入學的新生。這份中文的口語理解測驗工具可以用團體測驗的施測方式,並包含了四個分測驗:聽覺記憶測驗、語句理解測驗、聽覺詞彙測驗、語意語法判斷測驗。因為施測結果是二元的離散變數,若要驗證這些測驗的結構效度(construct validity),所使用的結構化方程模式便需要robust的估算法:加權最小方差法(WLS)來估算,這些結構化方程模式包含了單維度的因素分析、多重指標及多重原因(MIMIC)模式、以及多組群確認因素分析。綜合各種心理計量方法分析後的結果確認了這份口語理解測驗是符合標準化測驗的要求。



APA FormatYang, C.-C., Su, C.-M., & Sheng, W.-C. (2006). Measuring Mandarin Chinese Auditory Comprehension in Early Elementary School Levels. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 51(1), 213-232. doi:10.3966/2073753X2006045101010

Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 1 (2006/April) - Education【51(1)】

Measuring Mandarin Chinese Auditory Comprehension in Early Elementary School Levels Author: Chih-Chien Yang(Graduate Institute of Educational Measurement & Statistics,National Taichung University) ,Chi-Ming Su(Department of Psychology,National Chung Cheng University) ,Wen-Chuan Sheng(Chung-Kung Elementary School)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, No. 1
Date:April 2006


Auditory/Listening comprehension in their native language is a particularly critical learning skill in children's early school career. In this study, a Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension inventory was developed and validated for first-graders in Taiwan. This listening comprehension inventory, which can be administrated for group testing, comprises four listening comprehensions sub-scales: auditory memorization, sentence-listening comprehension, phrase-listening comprehension, and grammatical and semantic judgments made by/after listening. To validate the dichotomous testing results in these listening tests, a robust estimator for estimating categorical structural equation models was used to estimate uni-dimensional factor analysis models, MIMIC models, and multiple-groups confirmatory factor analysis models for the data sets. It was concluded that this listening comprehension inventory meets all testing standards.

Keywords:auditrory/listening comprehension, uni-dimension test, MIMIC model, Multiple-groups confirmatory factor analysis, measurement validity