期刊目錄列表 - 58卷(2013) - 【教育科學研究期刊】58(4) 十二月刊(本期專題:教育品質管理與品質保證)

(專題)工程及科技教育認證制度下的學生核心能力與評估:大學教師、系主任、院長的觀點 作者:林妙真(國立中央大學學習與教學研究所)、張佩芬(國立中央大學學習與教學研究所)



歐美國家近幾年皆已建立不同程度的品質保證體系,而國內工程及科技教育認證實施9年,偏向檢視整體教育的品質,缺乏對評估機制的深度檢視。本研究旨在探究工程及科技教育認證對學生核心能力的影響,並瞭解目前國內各工程系所評估學生核心能力的方式。以問卷調查和深度訪談蒐集院長、系主任與教師意見,有效回收問卷共471份,受訪對象計20位,並以一般歸納法(a general inductive approach)分析質性資料。研究發現:工程系所教師對於學生核心能力的評估仍是陌生的,且大多數系所尚未發展適當的評估工具。本研究以其中1所學校為例,該校將評分規準(rubrics)與數位平臺運用於教學與評量中,一則減輕教師的負擔;二則充分落實學生學習成效品質保證機制,可作為國內成果導向認證提供最佳實務(best practice)。最後針對目前工程系所落實持續改善之困境與未來研究提出建議。



《詳全文》 檔名

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  4. 張佩芬、汪島軍、張凈怡(2008)。臺灣工程及科技教育之國際化因應:合乎「華盛頓協定」認證制度的建構。教育政策論壇,11(2),1-36。【Chang, P.-F., Wang, D.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2008). The internationalization of engineering education in Taiwan: Accreditation approach based on Washington accord signatories’ accreditation system. Educational Policy Forum, 11(2), 1-36.】
  5. 許媛翔(2006)。Dr. Eaton談高教評鑑國際發展新趨勢。評鑑雙月刊,1,38-39。【Hsu, Y.-X. (2006). The new trend of globalization of higher education from Dr. Eaton. Evaluation Bimonthly, 1, 38-39.】
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APA FormatLin, M.-C., & Chang, P.-F. (2013). A Study of Students’ Core-Competence Evaluation in Engineering Education Quality Assurance: The Perspectives of Faculty Members, Program Chairpersons, and Deans. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 58(4), 37-68. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2013.58(4).02

Journal directory listing - Volume 58 (2013) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【58(4)】December (Special Issue: Quality management and assurance in education)

(Special Issue) A Study of Students’ Core-Competence Evaluation in Engineering Education Quality Assurance: The Perspectives of Faculty Members, Program Chairpersons, and Deans

Author: Miao-chen Lin(Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction, National Central University), Pei-Fen Chang(Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction, National Central University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 58, No. 4
Date:December 2013


The purpose of this study is to illustrate the impact of engineering education accreditation on evaluations of students’ core competences in Taiwan. The data were collected using a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews. 471 valid questionnaires were analyzed and twenty engineering faculties, program chairpersons, and deans were interviewed afterwards. The results indicated that engineering faculties are unfamiliar with methods of core-competence evaluation. Therefore, the outcomes-based teaching and assessment approach of one university was used to demonstrate how rubrics can be implemented to maintain continuous improvement in curriculum planning and to minimize the workloads of teachers while they prepared for the self-study report during the accreditation process. This study is the pioneer to explore a best practice for the outcome-based accreditation approach in Taiwan. Finally, the implications and future directions of this study are discussed.


engineering education accreditation, quality assurance, core competences, rubrics