期刊目錄列表 - 63卷(2018) - 【教育科學研究期刊】63(3)九月刊

以世界咖啡館討論模式提升大專學生公民參與態度及教學成效之研究 作者:國立臺灣海洋大學共同教育中心周維萱




《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 林國明(2013)。多元的公民審議如何可能?—程序主義與公民社會觀點。臺灣民主季刊,10(4),137-183。 【Lin, K.-M. (2013). Inclusion in public deliberation: Proceduralism and civil society perspectives. Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, 10(4), 137-183.】
  2. 林國明(2016)。誰來審議?台灣民眾對審議民主的支持程度和參與意願。台灣社會學,31,43-97。【Lin, K.-M. (2016). Who will be willing to deliberate? Civic talk, social capital and deliberative democracy in Taiwan. Taiwan Sociology, 31, 43-97. 】
  3. 沈宗瑞、謝小芩(2006)。大學畢業生對大學發展其多元能力的主觀評價。通識教育季刊,12(4),91-112。 【Shen, T.-R., & Hsieh, H.-C. (2006). How helpful is college education in developing students’ competencies? An evaluation by college graduates. Journal of General Education, 12(4), 91-112. 】
  4. 周維萱、周維倫(2014)。世界咖啡館討論模式在通識教學場域應用之先導研究。通識教育與多元文化學報,4,65-89。 【Chou, W.-H., & Chou, W.-L. (2014). Integration of the world café into university general curriculum of citizenship education. The Journal of General Education and Multicultural, 4, 65-89.】
  5. 周維萱、莊旻達(2013)。世界咖啡館研究架構初探─教學場域之實證性分析。通識教育學刊,11,37-66。 【Chou, W.-H., & Chuang, M.-T. (2013). A framework for “the world café”: An empiric study of teaching space. Taiwan Journal of General Education, 11, 37-66.】
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APA FormatChou, W.- H.(2018). Teaching effectiveness of adopting the world café model to promote college students’ civic participation. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 63(3), 37-67. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.201809_63(3).0002

Journal directory listing - Volume 63 (2018) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【63(3)】september

Teaching Effectiveness of Adopting the World Café Model to Promote College Students’ Civic Participation Author: Wei-Hsuan Chou (General Education Center, National Taiwan Ocean University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 63, No.3
Date:September 2018

This study examines course performance after citizenship education was integrated into the World Café model. Two classes of 26 students were recruited, with one as an experimental group and the other as a control group. The groups were analyzed using qualitative analysis supplemented by a quantitative method. The results revealed that the designed World Café teaching program contributed to improving students’ citizen participation attitudes and their attitudes toward current affairs. Suggestions are also provided for teaching practices and future studies.

Keywords:civic participation, general education, World Café