期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十八期 (1993)

三聚氯氫酸二甲基乙基四級銨鹽離子層析劑之單管柱離子層析法研究 作者:楊永華、林芬如(國立臺灣師範大學化學系)


研究結果顯示:含三聚氯氫酸四級銨鹽陰離子交換劑的層析行為受到沖提劑濃度的影響,陰離子的調整滯留時間隨沖提劑濃度的增大而降低,並隨離子交換容量而變化。碳鏈較短的有機雙質子酸沖提劑表現離子換機制,碳鏈較長的沖提劑則包含吸附與疏水性交互作用這些沖提劑中的單價與二價陰離子的成分莫耳分率組成決定其 離子強度並影響層析行為。5μm與10μm矽膠層析行為的差異為解析度與基線平整。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 38 (1993)

Dimethylethyl-s-triazinylammonium Chloride as an Anion Exchanger for Single Column Ion Chromatography Author: Yong-Hwa Yang, Fun-Zu Lin(Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University)


Several silica-based anion exchangers for single-column ion chromatography (SCIC) were prepared by immobilizing quaternary am-monium salts of cyanuric chloride onto the surface of silane-modified silica-gel. Some stationary phases of low capacities (0.06-0.16 mequiv./g ) were obtained and effective separation of monovalent anions was achived with a series of homologous dicarboxylic acids as eluents on short columns using a conductometric detector.
Factors that can affect the retention behavior, such as eluent species, eluent concentration and eluent pH, capacity of anion exchanger were examined. The results demonstrate that the retention of anions is governed by ion-exchange, adsorption and hydrophobic interactions.