期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十八期 (1993)

氫氧基與氨氣反應速率的量測與探討 作者:何嘉仁(國立臺灣師範大學化學系)、郭進祥(基隆市省立基隆高中)


本實驗用微波電流管-共振螢光裝置(microwave-discharge flow-resonanace fluorescence)來測氫氧基與氨氣的反應速率常數。利用微波放電使氫氣分解產生氫原子,而後氫原子再與二氧化氮反應產生氫氧基。反應物氨氣經活動進氣管注入流管中不同位置。共振螢光光源來自於水汽微波放電分解產生之氫氧基激發態,由反應物加入氫氧基作用之處到偵測器的距離不同,改變反應時間的長短,觀測共振螢光強度變化,可求得室溫下反應速率常數為k(OH+NH3)=(1.28±0.32)×10-13cm3 molecule-1 S-1 該數據與其它文獻值很接近,可知本實驗系統無顯著系統性誤差。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 38 (1993)

kinetic Study of the Reaction of OH with NH3 Author: Jia-Jen Ho(Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University), Jin-Xiang Kuo(Kee-Long Provincial High School)


The discharge flow-resonance fluorescence system was used to measure the rate constants of OH reactions with NH3. Hydrogen atoms were generated by passing a mixture of H2 in He through a microwave discharge. OH radicals were prepared by reacting H atoms with NO2. The excited OH radicals in the light source was produced by discharging H2O/He mixture. The reactant, NH3, was admitted at dif-ferent points in the flow tube via the movable injector. Reaction time was related to the distance from detector to the reactant admitted point. By monitoring the intensity of resonance fluorescence, we can obtain the rate constant at room temperature. The result is: k(OH+NH3)=(1.28±0.32)×10-13cm3 molecule-1 S-1
There is no significant systematic error when compared to the data in the literature.