期刊目錄列表 - 50卷第1期(2005.4) - 【教育類】50(1)



台灣地區青少年吸菸比率有逐漸增加的趨勢,而家長是督導青少年避免接觸菸害的第一線守護者,許多研究指出國中階段是青少年染上吸菸行為的危險時期,是否家長並無有效的預防子女吸菸措施?本研究的主要目的就在探討家長預防國中子女吸菸措施的情況及探討相關因素。以分層隨機抽樣的方式,自宜蘭縣四所國中一、二、三年級各選出兩個班級學生家長為對象,共有706 位家長完成調查問卷。結果發現母親預防子女吸菸的措施做得比父親好;不吸菸家長比吸菸家長有較好的預防子女吸菸的措施;家長的菸害的知識、態度與預防子女吸菸的整體措施及其五項分措施間均呈顯著正相關,表示家長對於菸害的認識愈多、反菸態度愈正向,則在各項預防措施上都會做得比較好。另一方面,以家庭管教方式、家長年齡、家長菸害知識、態度和行為可解釋家長預防子女吸菸措施整體和各分量18.90%~52.04%的變異量。上述結果顯示,應積極推動親職教育,加強家長對菸害的認識、反菸的態度和教養子女避免菸害的技巧,並設法提升家長參與率。此外,鼓勵家長不吸菸,樹立良好楷模,以發揮家長有效保護子女的功能。



APA FormatChaun, Y.-C., Lai, H.-R., Wu, D.-M., Lee, P.-H., Chu, N.-F., Liu, T.-Y., & Lee, H.-I. (2005). How Can Parents Prevent their Children from Smoking? A Case Study Based on Four Yilan County Junior High Schools. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 50(1), 155-173. doi:10.3966/2073753X2005045001008

Journal directory listing - Volume 50 Number 1 (2005/April) - Education【50(1)】

How Can Parents Prevent their Children from Smoking? A Case Study Based on Four Yilan County Junior High Schools
Author: Yi-Chung Chun*, Hsiang-Ru Lai*, Der-Min Wu**, Pi-Hsia Lee***, Nian-Feng Chu****, Tzu-Yu Liu*, Hin-I Lee* * Department of Health at National Taiwan Normal University** Department of Public Health at National Defense Medical Center*** College of Nursing at Taipei Medical University**** Department of Family & Community Health at Tri-Service General Hospit

Vol.&No.:Vol. 50, No. 1
Date:April 2005


The adolescent smoking rate in Taiwan seems to be increasing gradually. Many studies indicate that young people tend to start smoking in junior high school. It seems that parents are not really able to prevent adolescents from smoking. The main purpose of our study was to explore parents’methods of making their children stop smoking, and to analyze other related factors. By stratified random sampling, we selected 706 parents of 7th-9th grade students in four junior high schools in Yilan Ciountry. These parents completed a questionnaire at home. The results showed that mothers tended to employ more effective preventive measures than fathers, and that non-smoking parents(predictably)did better than parents who smoked in preventing their children from smoking. Furthermore, parents’ knowledge of the disadvantages of smoking and(thus)their anti-tobacco attitude were significantly associated with all smoking-prevention measures and with five related factors. Moreover, the 18.90%~52.04% variation among all measures and the five factors could be explained by parenting style, age, knowledge of smoking, parental attitude and behavior. It was therefore concluded that we should actively promote the education of parents regarding the negative effects of smoking, instilling in them a firm anti-smoking attitude: this will greatly increase their ability to convince their children to stop smoking. We should also encourage parents themselves to quit smoking, so that they may serve as models for their children.

Keywords:parents' smoking prevention measures, negative effects of smoking, anti-smoking attitude