期刊目錄列表 - 61卷(2016) - 【教育科學研究期刊】61(2)六月刊(本期專題:師資培育:檢討、成效與前瞻)





《詳全文》 檔名

    1. Bain, L. L. (1990). Physical education teacher education. In W. R. Houston, M. Haberman, & J. Sikula (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education (pp. 758-781). New York, NY: Macmillan.
    2. Blömeke, S., Suhl, U., & Kaiser, G. (2011). Teacher education effectiveness: Quality and equity of future primary teachers’ mathematics and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Teacher Education, 62(2), 154-171. doi:10.1177/0022487110386798
    3. Byra, M., & Karp, G. G. (2000). Data collection techniques employed in qualitative research in physical education teacher education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 19(2), 246-266.
    4. Cleary, R. E. (1992). Revisiting the doctoral dissertation in public administration: An examination of the dissertations of 1990. Public Administration Review, 52(1), 55-61. doi:10.2307/976546
    5. Cleary, R. E. (2000). The public administration doctoral dissertation reexamined: An evaluation of the dissertations of 1998. Public Administration Review, 60(5), 446-455. doi:10.1111/0033- 3352.00107
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APA FormatWei, F.-M., & Shy, D.-Y. (2016). Locating Research on Physical Education Teacher Education in the Teaching and Teacher Education From 2001 to 2010. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 61(2), 119-151. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2016.61(2).05

Journal directory listing - Volume 61 (2016) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【61(2)】June (Special Issue: Teacher Education: Reflection, Effect, and Prospect)

(Special Issue) Locating Research on Physical Education Teacher Education in the Teaching and Teacher Education From 2001 to 2010
Author: Feng-Min Wei(Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University), Deng-Yau Shy(Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 61, No. 2
Date:June 2016


Teacher education has been considered multidisciplinary since it first became a field of inquiry in the 1990s. However, the relationship between physical education teacher education (PETE) and the larger field of teacher education remains undefined. To determine this relationship, this study aimed to understand the status quo of research on PETE (R-PETE) and its relationship with and trends within the broader knowledge base of teacher education during one decade. A total of 853 studies published in Teaching and Teacher Education from 2001 to 2010 were collected then, applying the method of quantitative content analysis, categorized by publication year, teacher's stages of life career, research issues, and research methodologies. The results confirmed that R-PETE was considered as having a legitimate but peripheral relationship with the larger teacher education field during the study period. This paper discusses the implications of this relationship found and provides recommendations for future research on PETE.

Keywords:content analysis, impact factor, physical education pedagogy, research trends, teacher education