期刊目錄列表 - 65卷(2020) - 【教育科學研究期刊】65(1)三月刊(本期專題:語言與文化教育政策)
關鍵詞:108 課綱、新住民、跨國銜轉學生、語言教育、語言習得規劃
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- 王宏仁(2001)。社會階層化下的婚姻移民與國內勞動市場:以越南新娘為例。台灣社會研究季刊,41,99-127。doi:10.29816/TARQSS.200103.0003 【Wang, H.-Z. (2001). Social stratification, Vietnamese partners migration and Taiwan labour market. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, 41, 99-127. doi:10.29816/TARQSS.200103.0003】
- 王宏仁、白朗潔(2007)。移工、跨國仲介與制度設計:誰從台越國際勞動力流動獲利?臺灣社會研究季刊,65,35-66。doi:10.29816/TARQSS.200703.0002 【Wang, H.-Z., & Bélanger, D. (2007). Transnational labor migration system between Vietnam and Taiwan: In whose interests? Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, 65, 35-66. doi:10.29816/TARQSS.200703.0002】
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- 成之約、辛炳隆、劉黃麗娟(2002)。外籍幫傭與監護工引進對國內就業影響之初探。勞資關係論叢,11,69-95。doi:10.29902/JCSTVS.200211.0003 【Cheng, C.-Y., Hsin, P.-L., & Liu Huang, L.-J. (2002). A preliminary study on the impact of foreign domestic helper and caretaker importation on the labor market in Taiwan. Journal of Labor Studies, 11, 69-95. doi:10. 29902/JCSTVS.200211.0003】
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Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【65(1)】March (Special Issue: Language and Culture Education Policies)
(Special Issue) Language Education Policy for New Residents in the Context of Compulsory Education in Taiwan
Author: Chen-Cheng Chun (Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language, National Kaohsiung Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No.1
Date:March 2020
Issues related to new residents have become increasingly important in Taiwanese society. The majority of early research has focused on immigration due to international marriage, whereas current research focuses on language education for pupils as well as their diversity. This paper discusses developments in new-resident language education in the context of compulsory education in Taiwan. According to a literature review, studies on new-resident language education have shifted their focus from adults to pupils. In this study, a micro-macro methodological dichotomy was used to analyze new-resident language education policy and planning in Taiwan’s 108 Curriculum. The policy’s implications for language ideology, language attitude, and language identity were elucidated. Among the various challenges for policy implementation, teacher training is the most critical aspect. Three major groups of people were identified in present-day new-resident language education in the compulsory education context: regular pupils, transnational students, and second-generation new residents who grew up in Taiwan. In terms of future studies, longitudinal research on language education policy, language acquisition planning research, and interdisciplinary research involving the fields of education and linguistics should be conducted.
Keywords:108 curriculum, new residents, transnational students, language education, language acquisition planning