期刊目錄列表 - 65卷(2020) - 【教育科學研究期刊】65(2)六月刊(本期專題:臺灣師資培育制度的變革與再提升)





《詳全文》 檔名

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    2. 王俐文、邱淑惠(2013)。教學信念之變與不變─以教育大學幼教系畢業生為例。幼兒教育年刊,24,25-47。 【Wang, L.-W., & Chiu, S.-H. (2013). A longitudinal study of teachers’ beliefs: Examining graduates majored in early childhood education. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 24, 25-47.】
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    4. 王麗雲、潘慧玲(2000)。教師彰權益能的概念與實施策略。教育研究集刊,44,173-199。 【Wang, L.-Y., & Pan, H.-L. W. (2000). Teacher empowerment: Concepts and strategies. Bulletin of Educational Research, 44, 173-199.】
    5. 朱苑瑜、葉玉珠(2003)。實習教師信念改變的影響因素之探討。師大學報:教育類,48(1),41-66。doi:10.29882/JTNUE.200304.0003 【Chu, Y.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-C. (2003). A study of influential factors to student teachers’ belief change. Journal of Taiwan Normal University: Education, 48(1), 41-66. doi:10.29882/JTNUE.200304.0003】
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APA FormatHsiao, C.-C. (2020). Teaching Willingness as a Moderator: A Longitudinal Study on Preservice Teachers’ Teacher Belief. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 65(2), 251-276. doi:10.6209/JORIES.202006_65(2).0009

Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【65(2)】June (Special Issue: The Innovation and Enhancement of Teacher Professional Development in Taiwan)

(Special Issue) Teaching Willingness as a Moderator: A Longitudinal Study on Preservice Teachers’ Teacher Belief
Author: Chia-Chun Hsiao (Department of Education, National University of Tainan)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No.2
Date:June 2020

        With 232 preservice teachers as research subjects, the present study analyzed the growth trend of teacher belief and the effect of teaching willingness on the initial state and growth trend of teacher belief during practical training. The research survey was conducted three times in one and a half years. An analysis of the hierarchical statistics revealed the following: (1) Preservice teachers’ teacher belief comprises four dimensions, namely student discipline, curriculum and teaching planning, teaching and evaluation, and student learning, all of which present a linear downward growth trend. (2) Teaching willingness exerts effects on the initial state of teacher belief. (3) Teaching willingness appears to negatively moderate the growth trend of curriculum and teaching planning and teaching and evaluation. In other words, preservice teachers with higher teaching willingness exhibit a slow declining trend of curriculum and teaching planning and teaching and evaluation. According to the analysis results, the paper propose relevant suggestions for education institutes/teaching practitioners and suggestions for future research.

Keywords:teaching willingness, teacher belief, preservice teachers, longitudinal study