期刊目錄列表 - 65卷(2020) - 【教育科學研究期刊】65(3)九月刊(本期專題:東南亞國家相關之教育研究)
- 王筱妮、梁淑坤(2018)。桌遊融入國小三年級數與計算課程之設計與反思。臺灣數學教師,39(2),23-49。doi:10.6610/TJMT.201810_39(2).0002【Wang, H.-N., & Leung, S.-K. (2018). A research on the development and integration of board game into 3rd grade number and operation instruction. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers, 39(2), 23-49. doi:10.6610/TJMT.201810_39(2).0002】
- 李金波(2009)。E-learning環境下學習者自我效能對認知負荷的影響。現代遠距離教育,124,39-41。doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8700.2009.04.010【Li, J.-B. (2009). The learner self-efficacy on the effects of cognitive load under E-learning environment. Modern Distance Education, 4, 39-41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8700.2009.04.010】
- 周敦寶(2010)。初中學生地理學習興趣之初探。新課程學習(學術教育),10,131。【Zhou, D.-B. (2010). A study among middle school students’ learning interests in geography. New Courses’ Study (Academic Education), 10, 131.】
- 洪榮昭、詹瓊華(2018)。共變推理遊戲:遊戲自我效能與後設認知影響遊戲中的焦慮、興趣及表現之研究。教育科學研究期刊,63(3),131-162。doi:10.6209/JORIES.201809_63(3).0005【Hong, J.-C., & Chan, C.-H. (2018). Game performance in covariation reasoning: The correlates between gameplay self-efficacy, and metacognition reflected gameplay anxiety and gameplay interest. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 63(3), 131-162. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201809_63(3).0005】
- 戴育芳、鄭永熏(2017)。桌上遊戲融入國小閩南語教學對學生閩南語口語能力與學習自信心的影響。國際數位媒體設計學刊,9(2),54-62。【Tai, Y.-F., & Cheng, Y.-H. (2017). The impact of tabletop games engaged in Minnan language teaching on oral proficiency and self-confidence at learning: A case study at elementary school. International Journal of Digital Media Design, 9(2), 54-62.】
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- 王筱妮、梁淑坤(2018)。桌遊融入國小三年級數與計算課程之設計與反思。臺灣數學教師,39(2),23-49。doi:10.6610/TJMT.201810_39(2).0002【Wang, H.-N., & Leung, S.-K. (2018). A research on the development and integration of board game into 3rd grade number and operation instruction. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers, 39(2), 23-49. doi:10.6610/TJMT.201810_39(2).0002】
- 李金波(2009)。E-learning環境下學習者自我效能對認知負荷的影響。現代遠距離教育,124,39-41。doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8700.2009.04.010【Li, J.-B. (2009). The learner self-efficacy on the effects of cognitive load under E-learning environment. Modern Distance Education, 4, 39-41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8700.2009.04.010】
- 周敦寶(2010)。初中學生地理學習興趣之初探。新課程學習(學術教育),10,131。【Zhou, D.-B. (2010). A study among middle school students’ learning interests in geography. New Courses’ Study (Academic Education), 10, 131.】
- 洪榮昭、詹瓊華(2018)。共變推理遊戲:遊戲自我效能與後設認知影響遊戲中的焦慮、興趣及表現之研究。教育科學研究期刊,63(3),131-162。doi:10.6209/JORIES.201809_63(3).0005【Hong, J.-C., & Chan, C.-H. (2018). Game performance in covariation reasoning: The correlates between gameplay self-efficacy, and metacognition reflected gameplay anxiety and gameplay interest. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 63(3), 131-162. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201809_63(3).0005】
- 戴育芳、鄭永熏(2017)。桌上遊戲融入國小閩南語教學對學生閩南語口語能力與學習自信心的影響。國際數位媒體設計學刊,9(2),54-62。【Tai, Y.-F., & Cheng, Y.-H. (2017). The impact of tabletop games engaged in Minnan language teaching on oral proficiency and self-confidence at learning: A case study at elementary school. International Journal of Digital Media Design, 9(2), 54-62.】
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中文APA引文格式 | 洪榮昭、王志美、葉貞妮、吳鳳姝(2020)。遊戲自我效能、遊戲興趣、認知負荷與地理桌遊的遊玩自信心提升之相關研究。教育科學研究期刊,65(3),225-250。doi:10.6209/JORIES.202009_65(3).0008 |
APA Format | Hong, J.-C., Wang, C.-M., Ye, J.-N., & Wu, F.-S. (2020). The Relationship Among Gameplay Self-Efficacy, Gameplay Interest, Cognitive Load, and Self-Confidence Enhancement in Geography Board Games. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 65(3), 225-250. 10.6209/JORIES.202009_65(3).0008 |
Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【65(3)】September (Special Issue: Educational Research on Southeast Asian countries)
The Relationship Among Gameplay Self-Efficacy, Gameplay Interest, Cognitive Load, and Self-Confidence Enhancement in Geography Board Games
Author: Jon-Chao Hong (Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University), Chih-Mei Wang (Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University), Jhen-Ni Ye (Graduate Institute of Technological & Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology), Feng-Shu Wu (In-service Master program of Creativity Development, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No.3
Date:September 2020
This study explored the integration of geography board games into a world geography curriculum. Through this game, students’ gameplay self-efficacy, gameplay interest, cognitive load, and self-confidence were evaluated. This study collected 149 valid data to test the reliability and validity, and VirtualPLS statistical software was employed. The study results demonstrated that in the context of geography board games, gameplay self-efficacy were positively correlated with gameplay interest and negatively correlated with cognitive load. Additionally, gameplay interest in geography board games was found to effectively improve self-confidence. The study results indicate that well-designed learning content enables learners’ knowledge gains and gives them the chance to review the content during the process of playing.
Keywords:self-confidence enhancement, geography board game, gameplay interest, cognitive load