過去創造課程教學模式上,大多側重創造歷程或創造技巧,並未對創造歷程與技巧進行統整。本研究在綜合過去創造歷程與創造技巧模式後,建構出「創造階段特定技巧模式」(Model of Creative Stage-specific Technique, MCST),依此模式設計課程並檢驗課程的效果。本研究以前、後測準實驗設計的方式,將65位大學生區分為MCST組與控制組。本研究的實驗程序如下:一、兩組均接受新編創造思考測驗、科技想像傾向量表及創意觀點量表之前測;二、MCST組的參與者接受30小時的MCST課程;控制組的參與者則未接受創造思考的相關課程;三、最後兩組參與者皆施測新編創造思考測驗、科技想像傾向量表及創意觀點量表之後測。結果顯示(相對於控制組):一、MCST組的參與者在新編創造思考測驗的流暢力與變通力指標上皆有顯著的提升,在獨創力指標上則未見提升;二、MCST組的參與者在科技想像傾向量表的創新改造、感質表徵、實用評估、正向喜好、功能價值指標上皆有顯著的提升效果;在超越現實指標上則未見提升效果;三、在創意觀點量表上,MCST組顯示提升了創意成長觀,而且降低了創意固定觀。綜合上述可知,本研究發展之創造階段特定技巧模式是有效的,未來可應用於提升創造思考課程的實務中。
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- 吳靜吉、陳甫彥、郭俊賢、林偉文、劉士豪、陳玉樺(1999)。新編創造思考測驗。教育部。 【Wu, J.-J., Chen, F.-Y., Kuo, C.-C., Lin, W.-W., Lau, S.-H., & Chen, Y.-H. (1999). New test of creative thinking. Ministry of Education.】
- 宋玉英、高振耀(2019)。探索五位理工科女性世界中的創造力:她們對創造力的詮釋以及理工背景對其創造力的影響。教育科學研究期刊,64(3),55-84。https://doi.org/10.6209/ JORIES.201909_64(3).0003 【Sung, Y.-Y., & Kao, C.-Y. (2019). Exploring creativity in the world of five women majoring in science and engineering: How they interpret creativity and how their educational backgrounds affect their creativity. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(3), 55-84. https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.201909_64(3).0003】
- 林銘慧(2019)。科技想像傾向量表之發展及其與恆毅力、網路成癮之關聯研究(未出版碩士論文)。國立臺灣師範大學。 【Lin, M.-H. (2019). Developing the scale of technology imagination disposition and its correlation with grit and with internet addiction [Unpublished master’s thesis]. National Taiwan Normal University.】
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Development and Evaluation of Model of Creative Stage-Specific Techniques
Author: Yao-Nan Lin (Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University), Yu-Lin Chang (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University), Fa-Chung Chiu (Department of Counseling Psychology, Chinese Culture University), Chih-Ming Lai (Committee of Recruitment Policy for Technological College and Universities, National Taipei University of Technology)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 67, No. 1
Date:March 2022
Creativity helps people lead a happier and more meaningful life. It fosters progress in art, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, commercial product design, advertising, and marketing. Moreover, creativity and innovation form the basis of competitive advantage. Therefore, creativity is a key skill, and a greater focus on its application in various fields is required.
Creativity training can be conducted through two methods. The first method involves teaching a single creative thinking technique, focusing on promoting an individual’s ability to generate ideas. For example, Glover (1980) taught students to engage in divergent thinking (of unusual ways to use objects) and then discovered that this training could enhance the participants’ fluency, flexibility, and originality. The second method emphasizes the process of creation, which divides creative thinking into different stages, enhancing students’ ability to think creatively.
Previous studies have focused on creative techniques or strategy training. Although these both enhance creativity, studies have no attempted to integrate all the skills and processes required for the effective application of creativity. The present study proposes a new method, the model of creative stage-specific techniques (MCST), in which each stage of creativity training focuses on developing specific creativity skills; those skills are then applied at each stage to enhance their effectiveness.
By integrating the creative processes and specific skills within a creative thinking enhancement course, we can move beyond teaching models that narrowly focus on individual creative skills or creative processes. In this study, a new creative teaching course was designed on the basis of the proposed MCST, and teaching experiments that were conducted to empirically examine the effectiveness of the model. This 30-hour course covered the following units:
1. Introduction to the concepts of creativity: All basic behavior should have a goal (Schunk, 1990). Therefore, participants must understand that the goal of this course was to improve their creativity. According to the MCST, when learning how to think creatively, participants must first understand the definition of creativity and discern the characteristics of creative ideas or products. This unit helped define creativity by providing audiovisual examples of creative products and explained the factors that can impede or facilitate creative thinking as well as the real-life benefits of creativity.
2. Introduction to the MCST: To ensure that the participants fully comprehended the concept of creative thinking, they must gain a comprehensive understanding of the MCST. To achieve this, the participants were informed of the stage descriptions, and they developed an understanding of the processes required to generate a creative product and how creative techniques facilitate each stage of the creative thinking process. An understanding of the MCST ensures a systematic understanding of this process. The participants learned the techniques corresponding to each creative thinking stage in the following units.
3. Identifying problems: Most inventions stem from an impasse or problems encountered in daily life. This unit taught methods of identifying such problems, such as interviewing users or experts or gathering information from online searches, personal experience, or observation.
4. Problem construction: Once problems had been identified, the participants chose those in which they were the most interested. Subsequently, they were taught to construct problems from diverse perspectives. Participants were taught to reconstruct problems in this stage from the information gleaned from the preceding stage by using abstract thinking and representational change methods. In this unit, the concepts and methods of abstract thinking and representational change were discussed, and the same creative techniques were subsequently used to reconstruct problems.
5. Idea generation: This stage followed the problem construction stage (construction of multiple problems) and taught participants to use techniques such as forced associations, attribute listing, and morphological analysis to generate ideas.
6. Idea selection: After numerous ideas had been generated, the participants identified and examined the strengths and weaknesses through the listing method. Finally, the ideas with the most strengths and fewest weaknesses were selected for implementation.
7. Implementation: The selected ideas were implemented, and prototypes were produced.
8. Optimization: The prototypes from the previous stage must be improved. Once a prototype had been tested, its strengths and weaknesses were considered using the listing method employed in stage 6. Product weaknesses were identified for future improvement, and product strengths were augmented.
In this study, a total of 65 college students were assigned to an MCST or control group to participate in a pretest, the training course, and a posttest. The procedures of were as follows: 1. For the pretest, both the MCST and control groups were assessed with the New Creative Thinking Test, Technological Imagination Disposition Scale, and Creative Mindsets Scale. 2. The MCST group then received the 30-hour MCST course, and the control group received a 30-hour course unrelated to creativity. 3. In the posttest, both groups were reassessed with the same creativity tests.
The results were as follows: 1. The MCST group demonstrated a greater level of improvement than the control group in terms of fluency and flexibility on the New Creative Thinking Test; however, the two groups did not differ in originality. 2. The MCST group demonstrated a greater level of improvement than the control group in creative imagination, qualia representation, practical evaluation, positive emotion, and efficacy on the Technological Imagination Disposition Scale; however, the two groups did not differ in their ability to think beyond reality. 3. The MCST group exhibited greater improvement in the creative growth mindset and less of a fixed mindset than the control group did on the Creative Mindsets Scale. These results demonstrated that the creative thinking course based on the MCST was effective.
In conclusion, the major contribution of this study is the development of the MCST. This new teaching model integrates creative processes and techniques and can substantially enhance individual creativity. In particular, the MCST is an overall creative thinking enhancement course that can be applied in different fields to promote creative thinking skills.
Keywords:technology imagination, model of creative stage-specific techniques, creative thinking, divergent thinking