關鍵詞:J. S. Bruner、以言行事、個別教導、教學意涵、鷹架
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An Overview of Two Studies on Scaffolding in Learning Conducted by Bruner et al. and an Exploration of Their Pedagogical
Author: Wen-jing Shan(Chinese Culture University Center for Teacher Education), Meixia Jiang(Department of Pre-school Education, Jiangsu University of Technology)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 69, No. 3
Date:September 2024
Motivation Derived from a Preliminary Literature Review
On the basis of a preliminary literature review, the authors determined that research on scaffolding in learning is highly regarded in Chinese societies and abroad but that two scaffolding studies conducted by Bruner et al. have not generally been considered in scaffolding research. Thus, the current authors conducted an assessment to fill this gap in the literature. Moreover, the authors identified two related topics that have been insufficiently addressed by other researchers. These topics are the reasons motivating the two scaffolding studies conducted by Bruner et al. and collating the findings of the scaffolding studies conducted by Bruner et al.
Further Confirmation of the Motivation of this Study through a Further Literature Review
In this study, a paper written by Bruner et al. (1976) entitled “The Role of Tutoring in Problem Solving” and a book by Bruner (1983a) entitled Child’s Talk were used as the primary literature. In addition, the Chinese and English papers written by Bruner, either alone or in collaboration with others, and the papers written by his students and colleagues, including Greenfield, Olson, Pea, and Wood, were considered. The current study analyzed the two aforementioned scaffolding studies conducted by Bruner et al. A further literature review was conducted to confirm the purpose of this study, that is, to analyze the reasons for which the two scaffolding studies were conducted by Bruner et al., summarize the main points of the studies, discuss related topics, and explore the pedagogical implications of these two studies.
Research Methodology
The authors adopted an iterative approach to analyzing the aforementioned literature written by Bruner et al. The studies overall and each study and its contents were iteratively analyzed. The main findings of these studies overall and those of each study were analyzed and interpreted. Throughout the analysis of the studies, criticisms and commentaries were made to improve the robustness of the synthesis of information. Subsequently, the pedagogical implications of the two studies by Bruner et al. that served as the primary literature were explored.
Finding 1: Confirmation of Why Bruner et al. Performed the Two Scaffolding Studies
The current authors identified two motivations for the two scaffolding studies by Bruner et al. First, Bruner exhibited a shift in his focus of research from thinking to the development of thinking, and this shift led to the implementation of scaffolding research. Second, Bruner exhibited a shift in the perspective he employed in his research from that of Piaget, who emphasized logical cognitive structures and the natural development of the individual, to that of Vygotsky, who emphasized the function of thinking in the psyche and social and cultural learning by societies; this shift was identified as the main reason for Bruner beginning to implement scaffolding studies.
Finding 2: Summarization of the Findings of the Two Scaffolding studies by Bruner et al.
The findings of the two studies that served as the primary literature of the current study are summarized as follows. First, scaffolding in learning provided by mentors helps children to solve problems in assembling objects. Second, mothers play a role in providing scaffolding and thereby help children to acquire speech-acting skills. These findings can inform teaching approaches and can improve learning outcomes. In addition, after mothers provide such support, the scaffolding may be integrated into the whole of the child's speech and behavior or may be withdrawn.
This study also discovered that the following scaffolding strategies can be utilized by teachers or mothers: attracting the child’s attention, reducing degrees of freedom to manageable limits, maintaining the direction, marking critical features, controlling frustration, and demonstrating solutions. For demonstrating solutions to be effective, a mentor or a mother must perform the following: planning in advance, focusing on the child’s autonomy in performing tasks, using both verbal guidance and behavioral interventions, taking note of the child’s performance at all times, providing appropriate feedback and assistance as necessary, and maintaining a warm and cordial attitude to establish a calm and stimulating atmosphere with limitations when necessary.
In addition, the current paper addresses three questions: Why did Bruner et al. employ the term “scaffolding” for the concept? Should the scaffolding be withdrawn at the end of the supported task? Is scaffolding essential in practical teaching? Addressing these questions improved the understanding of the meaning of scaffolding.
Finding 3: Exploration of the Pedagogical Implications of the Two Scaffolding Studies Conducted by Bruner et al.
The current authors identified two key points regarding the pedagogical implications of each of the two scaffolding studies conducted by Bruner et al. For Study 1, the authors identified that the focus of problem-solving teaching is ensuring that children accurately understand the approach required to achieve expected outcomes and that a key element of teaching is providing learners with a set of scaffolds to facilitate learning and help learners reach the expected standards. From Study 2, the current authors determined that teaching methods should be based on participant theory rather than spectator theory. According to participant theory, teaching should leverage children’s capacity for interactions that they develop early in life, which can lead children to gradually engage in reflective thinking and collaborative learning.
Conclusion and Suggestions for Future Research
Using an iterative approach, this study summarized the main points of two scaffolding studies conducted by Bruner et al. and explored their pedagogical implications on the basis of their main points. Reflecting on the writing process for this paper, the current authors have determined that the research questions have been properly addressed and that the research objectives have been achieved.
The current study suggests that scaffolding may be integrated into the overall child’s speech and behavior after the completion of a supportive task or be withdrawn. In addition, this study identified several topics related to scaffolding, individualized instruction, and language acquisition; these topics warrant further investigation.
Keywords:J. S. Bruner, learning how to do things with words, tutoring, pedagogical implications, scaffolding