期刊目錄列表 - 48卷第2期(2003) - 【教育類】48(2) 十月刊




本研究旨在探討學障學生與二對照組在魏氏智力測驗上的差異,並進一步比較不同類型的學障兒童的智力特徵。本研究的「學障組」選自台北市八十九年國中學障鑑定資料庫之有效資料共計144名,其中男生111名,女生33名。「一般兒童組」則是使用WISC-III台灣常模樣本中全量表智商在70以上的1076位兒童,另從常模樣本中選取144名「控制智商之一般兒童對照組」。除了魏氏兒童智力量表外,學障組另蒐集中文年級認字量表、以及基礎數學概念評量。本研究主要分析三組的智力分佈,以及「Bannatyne組型」、「ACID組型」、「ACIDS組型」、「SCAD組型」及「POI/SCAD 差異分數」等特殊組型的出現率。研究主要發現為:(1)學障學生的智力整體偏低,智商大多在85~99的範圍;(2)學障組智力出現內在差異或在「Bannatyne、ACID、ACIDS、SCAD以及POI/SCAD差異分數」等特殊組型的出現率均高於一般兒童;(3)四種學障類型中,認字困難組出現各種特殊組型的比率最高,橫式困難組的比率最低;(4)在五種特殊組型中,以「POI/SCAD差異分數」組型對學障學生的鑑別度最佳,支持學障定義中的差異特質;(5)本研究在認字困難組發現的結果與一般文獻較為相似,現有文獻的組型對於基本的認字困難的區別較好,對於高階能力困難的橫式運算困難學生的特質研究較少,值得未來進一步探討。此外,研究結果也對於智力測驗在學障鑑定的功能與限制提出建議。



APA FormatHung, L.-Y., Chen, S.-L., & Chen, H.-Y. (2003). The Study of Intelligence in Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 48(2), 215-238. doi:10.3966/2073753X2003104802005

Journal directory listing - Volume 48 Number 2 (2003) - Education【48(2)】October

The Study of Intelligence in Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities
Author: Li-Yu Hung(Department of Special Education,National Taiwan Normal University),Su-Lee Chen(Department of Elementary Education,National Taitung University),Hsin-Yi Chen(Department of Special Education,National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 48, No. 2
Date:October 2003


This study investigated the intelligence performance, assessed by the WISC-III test, of secondary students with leaning disabilities (LD). The LD sample contained 144 students in total and comprised three subtypes: students with difficulties in word recognition (DWR), those with difficulties in horizontal arithmetic (DHA), and those with difficulties in both WR and HA (WRHA). For comparison, two normal student samples were selected based on the Taiwanese norm for the WSIC-III: these were a normal-IQ student sample and an IQ-matched group, comprised of 1076 and 144 members respectively. Three research questions were answered by the aforementioned groups; in addition to the patterns proposed in the literature (i.e. Bannatyne, ACID, ACIDS, and SCAD patterns), the researchers noted IQ distribution and differences in POI/SCAD among the subjects. The results were as follows. (1) Students with an LD showed an IQ below the norm, and were mainly distributed within the range 85-99; this range thus indicated the tendency of low IQ students with LD's. (2) A higher percentage of LD students showed all the WISC-III patterns and wide POI/ SCAD differences than for the normal or IQ-matched group, which revealed that LD students differed from normal students in those cognitive patterns. Among all LD groups the DHA group showed the clearest difference. (3) The POI/SCAD difference, emphasizing the differences between two levels of cognitive ability, more clearly showed the degree of LD students' variation from the normal and IQ-matched groups; that implied weak cognitive patterning characterizes LD students. (4) The DHA group was found to be the most consistent with the possession of an LD in the literature; however, the DHA group appeared to be the most different of all those studied. Some recommendations were made, based on the findings, for further study and practical work.

Keywords:learning disabilities, IQ, WISC-III, cognitive pattern, subtype, diagnosis