期刊目錄列表 - 50卷第2期(2005.10) - 【科學教育類】50(2)




本研究旨在抽樣調查台灣地區中等學校地球科學教師對學生應具備之「地球科學素養」的想法,並分析不同背景教師觀點的異同處。1.在地球科學知識(概念)的研 究結果顯示:教師認為最重要的三個地球科學概念均為偏向有關「環境」方面的議題 知識,這似乎與當前全世界重視環境保護的趨勢相符。2.在地球科學技能或能力的研究結果顯示:大部分中學教師認為,中學階段在培養學生運用所學,來解決日常生活問題的能力是比較重要的。這個結果與九年一貫課程中,自然與生活科技領域的課程目標是一致的。3.研究結果顯示,在態度重要性方面,好像和前述知識排序前幾項有相互的關連,都是希望培養學生愛護大自然的意識和了解環境保護的重要性。



APA FormatLee, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2005). Taiwan’s Secondary School Teachers’ Expectations with Regard to the Earth Science Literacy of their Students. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 50(2), 1-27. doi:10.6300/JNTNU.2005.50(2).01

Journal directory listing - Volume 50 Number 2 (2005/October) - Science Education【50(2)】

Taiwan’s Secondary School Teachers’ Expectations with Regard to the Earth Science Literacy of their Students
Author: Wen-Chi Lee(Jhu-Wei Junior high school ), Chun-Yen Chang(Dept. of Earth Sciences, NTNU)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 50, No.2
Date:October 2005


The purpose of this study was first to investigate Taiwan’s secondary school science teachers’ Expectations with regard to the Earth Science Literacy (ESL) of their students. Furthermore, the purpose was to analyze the similarities and differences in the views about ESL held by teachers from different backgrounds. Thus key concepts in earth science, students’ understanding of which may be used to evaluate their earth science literacy, were ranked in order of importance based on teachers’ opinions. The results were as follows: (1) the three earth science themes judged by teachers to be most significant in terms of earth science literacy concerned environmental protection, yet all acknowledge that we can hardly avoid teaching this course if we want to follow the world-wide trend; (2) teachers consider the most important skill for judging earth science literacy to be “students apply skills to daily life, and thus this was given the highest ranking; (3) according to the ranking of teachers’ attitudes toward earth science literacy, earth science teachers are hoping above all to train students to be very conscious of nature, cherish nature and understand the importance of environmental protection. The findings of this study may suggest future guidelines for instruction and curriculum goals for secondary school earth science teachers, as well as future goals for research.

Keywords:earth science literacy, secondary students, Earth science teachers, environmental awareness