期刊目錄列表 - 52卷(2007) - 【 科學教育類 】 52(1&2) 十月刊




本研究旨在探討學生在寫作任務中對於寫作對象的覺察所呈現的作品差異。研究者經由預先分析教學內容、設計系列融合動手做與寫作的教學活動,並要求 36 位四年級學生以家人、學生、或同儕為對象撰寫說明文。檢視分析學生針對不同對象的寫作內容特徵時,在六次寫作任務所收錄的190份學生作品中,研究者發現寫作任務中的假想對象會影響學生提供說明訊息的內容要點。參與的學生在研究者設計的系列教學活動下,可以用寫作的方式表徵出他們的概念及程序理解。以家人為對象時,學生傾向描繪自己在課室學習的情意面;以同儕為對象時,學生會嘗試釐清學習的內容概念及程序;以學生為對象時,則會模擬運用教師上課的程序、進行之活動、以及術語。基於以上發現,研究者對後續研究及教學運用提出建議。



中文APA引文格式林雅慧、蔡佩穎、張惠博、張文華(2007)。不同寫作對象對於四年級學生科學寫作內容之影響的探討。師大學報:科學教育類,52(1&2),49-78。 doi:10.6300/JNTNU.2007.52.03
APA FormatLin, Y.-H., Tsai, P.-I., Chang, H.-P., & Chang, W.-H. (2007). Effects of the Assumed Readers on 4th Graders’ Scientific Expository Writing and Science Learning. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 52(1&2), 49-78. doi:10.6300/JNTNU.2007.52.03

Journal directory listing - Volume 52 (2007) - Science Education【52(1&2)】October

Effects of the Assumed Readers on 4th Graders’Scientific Expository Writing and Science Learning
Author: Yahui Lin(Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Changhua University of Education), Peying Tsai(Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Changhua University of Education), Huey-Por Chang(Department of Physics, National Changhua University of Education), Wen-Hua Chang(Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University)  

Vol.&No.:Vol. 52, No.1&2
Date:October 2007


This study explored the effects of an assumed reading audience on expository writing. To elaborate a model of expository writing on scientific topics to accompany and promote scientific learning, the authors analyzed text content, designed and sequenced tasks for two science units, and incorporated expository writing tasks that assumed a role for the writer’s family and peers as assumed readers. They also examined actual student writing samples to identify the key features of student expository writing. From the 190 writing samples, based on 6 scientific tasks, of 36 fourth graders, it was found that students give different types of information and even of explanations to various assumed reading audiences. In general, the participating students could represent their conceptual and procedural understanding in written form. However, in writing that is intended to be read by family members there are more affective descriptions and the narrative forms are more creative. On the other hand, in writing intended for peers, students would focus on giving specific task instructions in guiding their peers. Based on the research findings, they suggested that science teachers should be aware of the influence of assumed reading audiences on students’ expository writing.

Keywords:elementary science, expository writing, writing to learn science, assumed readers