期刊目錄列表 - 53卷(2008) - 【教育類】53(1) 四月刊

作者:鄭靜瑩(中山醫學大學視光學系)、張千惠(國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系)、陳明聰(國立嘉義大學特殊教育學系)、趙敏泓(台南市永福國小 )






APA FormatCheng, C.-Y., Chang, C.-H., Chen, M.-T., & Chao, M.-H. (2008). Using Assistive Technology Devices to Teach Two Students Whose Multiple Disabilities Including Visual Impairments in Regular Classroom Settings. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 53(1), 107-130. doi:10.3966/2073753X2008045301005

Journal directory listing - Volume 53 (2008) - Education【53(1)】April

Using Assistive Technology Devices to Teach Two Students Whose Multiple Disabilities Including Visual Impairments in Regular Classroom Settings
Author: Ching-Ying Cheng(Department of Optometry, Chung Shan Medical University),Chien-Huey Sophie Chang(Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University),Ming-Tsung Chen(Department of Special Education, National Chiayi Univeraity),Min-Hung Chao(Tainan Yong-Fu Elementary School)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 53, No. 1
Date:April 2008


The purpose of this research was to study the effect of assistive technology devices on the class participation of two students whose multiple disabilities including visual impairments in regular classroom settings. This is a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were used to investigate the opinions of teachers and parents regarding the learning outcomes when assistive technology devices were used. In addition, the researchers also utilized three checklists to observe and evaluate students’ abilities in visual scanning and searching, class participation, and class adjustment. It was found that assistive technology devices (ATD) improved the students’ visual skills in visual scanning and searching. In addition, ATD helped the students to improve their performance on homework assignments and tests; it also improved their classroom participation, self-confidence, and peer relationships. Moreover, teachers and parents recognized that the improvement in students’ visual scanning and searching abilities would contribute to their participation in the class. Teachers also felt that the ATD intervention was useful for their teaching, curriculum design, homework correction, class management, and presentation of class material. Finally, suggestions for ATD design and the implication for future studies are provided.

Keywords:class participation in regular class settings, assistive technology devices, students with multiple disabilities, visual scanning and searching skills