期刊目錄列表 - 53卷(2008) - 【人文與社會類】53(1) 一月刊




1895 年到1945 年間,日本佔領台灣並徹底實施日語為國語的殖民語政策。1945 年迄今,國民政府以華語取代日語繼續執行殖民語政策。日語與華語對台語詞庫均有無法抵擋的影響。筆者搜集日本時期二位小說家(鄭溪泮、賴仁聲)自1924 年至1960 年之間以台語羅馬字所寫的五本小說,並在電腦輔助斷詞之後集成一個113,880 詞的詞庫。另又搜集1990 年代二位小說家(陳雷、陳明仁)的台語小說,集成另一個94,910 詞的詞庫。比較這二個詞庫,發現日語對台語小說寫作的影響並非如同預測顯著降低,然而華語的影響則因華語語言政策而不斷增進。比較這二個時期的台語本土語層與借詞,研究結果為:國府時期的本土語層之詞彙密度較高,且詞彙擴充正在進行中。



APA FormatLi, C.-A. (2008). The Lexical Influence of Colonial Language Policies on Taiwanese Novel-Writing, 1924-1998: A Computer-Assisted Corpus Analysis. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities & Social Science, 53(1), 65-81. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNULL.2008.53(1).04

Journal directory listing - Volume 53 (2008) - Humanities & Social Sciences【53(1)】January

The Lexical Influence of Colonial Language Policies on Taiwanese Novel-Writing, 1924-1998: A Computer-Assisted Corpus Analysis
Author: Chin-An Li(Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture, Languages & Literature, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 53, No. 1
Date:January 2008


In Taiwan the language of the majority of the population, Taiwanese, historically has been subject to two “national” language policies due to political colonization. Both policies resulted in linguistic contact between Taiwanese and other languages which led to certain forms of lexical change and variation in the writing of Taiwanese novels. From 1895 to 1945, Japan occupied Taiwan and practiced a colonial language policy, making Japanese the national language. From 1941 to this day, the Chinese have practiced their own colonial language policy by replacing Japanese with Mandarin Chinese as the national language. The influence of both Japanese and Chinese languages on the Taiwanese lexicon has been overwhelming. This researcher has collected five Taiwanese novels written in Romanized Chinese by two novelists during the Japanese era, specifically in the period 1924-1960, and has also compiled a corpus of 113,880 words after computer-aided segmentation. He has also collected another lexical corpus based on Taiwanese novels written in the 90’s and using a total of 94,910 different words. Comparing these two corpora, the researcher has found that the Japanese influence on Taiwanese novel writing had not decreased as significantly as might have been expected; on the other hand, Mandarin influence increased due to the KMT’s Mandarin language policy. After comparing the Taiwanese “local layer” to the loanwords from the other two languages during these two eras, it was found that the lexical density of the local layer is higher in the Post-Japanese or Chinese era, and that lexical expansion is an ongoing process.

Keywords:borrowing, language policy, lexical change, loanwords, Taiwanese novels