Journal directory listing - Volume 55 (2010) - Journal of NTNU: Linguistics & Literature【55(2)】September

The Comments on the Jia Yi(賈誼)’s Xinshu(新書) of the Siku Quanshu Zongmu(四庫全書總目)
Author: Takushi Kudo(Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 55, No. 2
Date:September 2010


The Siku Quanshu Zongmu (四庫全書總目) plays an important part in bibliography, philology and research on the studies and thought in the Qianjia period (乾嘉時期). Studies in the Qianjia period are called “Qianjia zhi xue (乾嘉之學).” They objected to the Song-Ming Xinglixue (宋明性理學) based on their own interpretation of the classics, and the so-called Kaozhengxue (考證學) or Kaojuxue (考據學) based on the Xunguxue (訓詁學) that were popular in the Han-Tang (漢唐) period. Accordingly the Kaozhengxue or Kaojuxue is called Hanxue (漢學) against Songxue (宋學).
How did the scholars in the Qianjia period react to the studies developed in the Han period? This article will take the case of the Xinshu (新書) written by Jia Yi (賈誼), who played an active part in the West Han (西漢) Wendi (文帝) period, and will search for the comments on Xin Shu of the Siku Zongmu (四庫總目). Since the Song period, the text of Zhu zi (諸子), which was written in the Han period, has been ignored in bibliography and philology. But, the Siku Zongmu thought that the Xinshu‘ was not all original, and so was not all imitation.’ Why did the Siku Zongmu reach this conclusion? This article will prove that the Xinshu of the Siku Zongmu advocated a compromise between Songxue and Hanxue by an analysis on the thought of four intellectuals of the Qianjia period. The article also aims to clarify if there was a political purpose that broke off a ‘faction’ in the descriptions of the Siku Zongmu.

Keywords:the Siku Zongmu, Ji Yun, the Qianjia zhi xue, the Jia Yi’s Xinshu, Han-Song zhi zheng

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APA FormatKudo, T. (2010). The Comments on the Jia Yi(賈誼)’s Xinshu(新書) of the Siku Quanshu Zongmu(四庫全書總目). Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature, 55(2), 77-100. doi:10.3966/207451922010095502003