期刊目錄列表 - 56卷(2011) - 【教育科學研究期刊】56(1) 三月刊

二階段分層叢集抽樣的設計效應估計:以TIMSS 2007 調查研究為例



大型調查研究常採用多階段分層叢集抽樣,檢視臺灣學生歷年來參與TIMSS 研究的結果顯示,其平均表現之標準誤常較他國稍大。 應TIMSS 專責抽樣之單位要求,本研究旨在推導設計二階段分層叢集抽樣時即可預估標準誤的公式,以利選擇較佳分層架構,達減少 標準誤的目標,並進行三個分析檢查其有效性。分析一將30 個參與TIMSS 2007 的國家資料,用該公式與《TIMSS 技術手冊》建議之 刀切重複取樣法,分別估算各國學生平均科學成績之標準誤,發現兩者之線性相關達 .98。分析二以29 個連續參加TIMSS 2003和2007 的國家資料,論述利用該公式與現有輔助變項預估將要進行調查的誤差之實用性。分析三探討當叢集的分層輔助變項為連續量時, 不同分層數與二階段分層叢集抽樣誤差間的關係,以預估臺灣學生在TIMSS 2011 平均科學成績之標準誤。文後尚提出四階段的評估 流程,供相關研究預估主要依變項平均值之標準誤時做參考。


《詳全文》 檔名

中文APA引文格式任宗浩、譚克平、張立民(2011)。二階段分層叢集抽樣的設計效應估計:以TIMSS 2007 調查研究為例。教育科學研究期刊56(1),33-65。doi:10.3966/2073753X2011035601002
APA FormatJen, T.-H., Tam, H.-P., & W. M. (2011). An Estimation of the Design Effect for the Two-Stage Stratified Cluster Sampling Design. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 56(1), 33-65. doi:10.3966/2073753X2011035601002

Journal directory listing - Volume 56 (2011) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【56(1)】March

An Estimation of the Design Effect for the Two-Stage Stratified Cluster Sampling Design
Author: Tsung-Hau Jen(Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University Assistant),Hak-Ping Tam(Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University),Margaret Wu(Assessment Research Centre, University of Melbourne Associate)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 56, No. 1
Date:March 2011


Most large-scale educational surveys utilize a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling design. Past findings revealed that the standard errors of Taiwan students’ mean performances were slightly larger than other countries’. In response to the request by the institute in charge of TIMSS sampling, this study was launched to derive a formula that could estimate the standard error of population mean prior to conducting a two-stage stratified cluster sampling design. This formula could then be used to select an optimal stratification framework that could reduce the size of standard error to an acceptable level. Its validity was investigated in three subsequent studies. In the first study, standard errors for 30 TIMSS 2007 participating countries were estimated according to the newly derived formula as well as by the jackknife replication. The correlation between the two sets of standard errors amounted to 0.98. The second study investigated the practicality of using the new formula in addition to auxiliary variables for predicting standard errors on the data of 29 countries that participated in both TIMSS 2003 and 2007. The third study explored the relationship between the number of stratum and the standard errors under a two-stage stratified cluster sampling design when the auxiliary variables for stratification were continuous. This paper closed by suggesting a four-step procedure to facilitate researchers in estimating standard errors of means during the planning stage of sampling design.

Keywords:large-scale assessment, planning sampling framework, sampling error reduction, complex survey design, variance estimation