期刊目錄列表 - 56卷(2011) - 【教育科學研究期刊】56(2) 六月刊

Blog 網路學習社群對大學生藝術通識課程知識建構影響之研究



本研究旨在探討blog網路學習社群在大學藝術通識課程之應用及對學生知識建構之影響,研究對象為86位「藝術鑑賞」通識課程選修學生。本研究blog網路社群為以建構主義教學相關理論為核心概念,結合Web 2.0知識分享與共構,以及應用blog平臺之課程網路社群,目的在輔助學生進行藝術通識課程學習。本研究依據不同的blog網路社群互動型態,將學生分為教學助理參與組及對照組,以進行教學實驗,在「教學助理參與」實驗組中,本研究參考Salmon(2003)提出之五階段線上教學模式,由教學助理進行線上教學並參與blog社群之互動討論,並應用Gunawardena、Lowe和Anderson(1997)的Interaction Analysis Model 知識建構編碼表作為資料分析研究工具,以進行教學助理與學生blog互動內容之編碼分析,探討blog網路學習社群融入教學對大學生知識建構之影響。研究結果blog網路學習社群與教學助理線上教學對學生知識建構程度有正向影響,且教學助理提問技巧與適時運用教學策略為學生產出高階層知識建構之主要影響因素。惟學生主動參與線上社群活動、發表回饋意見之積極度與反思深度仍待加強。最後提出未來Web 2.0與網路社群教學建議。

關鍵詞:blog、Web 2.0 知識共構、大學藝術通識課程、混成式課程、網路學習社群

《詳全文》 檔名

中文APA引文格式盧姵綺(2011)。Blog 網路學習社群對大學生藝術通識課程知識建構影響之研究。教育科學研究期刊56(2),137-174。doi:10.3966/2073753X2011065602005
APA FormatLu, P.-C. (2011). A Study on the Influence of Blog Learning Communities on Undergraduates’ Knowledge Constructions in Arts General Curriculum. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 56(2), 137-174. doi:10.3966/2073753X2011065602005

Journal directory listing - Volume 56 (2011) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【56(2)】June

A Study on the Influence of Blog Learning Communities on Undergraduates’ Knowledge Constructions in Arts General Curriculum
Author: Pei-Chi Lu(Department of Visual Arts, Taipei Municipal University of Education)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 56, No. 2
Date:June 2011


The purposes of this study were to investigate how blog learning communities have been applied in an arts general education for undergraduates, as well as their impact on students' "knowledge construction." The research subjects included 86 students participating in a university general curriculum of art appreciation. The blog learning community herein, a web-based learning community that applies constructionist-based theories as its core concept, integrates a model of Web 2.0 knowledge-sharing and co-construction, in addition to applying a blog platform with the aim of assisting students with their learning in the arts general curriculum. This study categorized the students into the “TA participating” experimental group and the control group, based on different models of interaction in blog learning communities. In the "TA participating" experimental group, the TAs implement online teaching based on the five-stage e-moderating model advocated by Salmon (2003), and join in the interactive discussions in the blog learning community. The Interaction Analysis Model (Gunawardena, Lowe, & Anderson, 1997) was used as the coding tool for analyzing the contents of the TAs' and students' interactions on the blogs, to explore how teaching that incorporates blog learning communities affects undergraduates’ knowledge construction. The results indicate that the blog learning communities and TAs' online teaching present positive influences on the knowledge construction developed by students. Furthermore, TAs' inquiry skills and teaching strategies are the main factors that enable students to produce high-level knowledge construction. However, students' motivation for participating in an on-line group, advancing feedback opinions, and employing critical thinking must be strengthened. Finally, the study proposes suggestions for the future development of Web 2.0 and web-based learning community education.

Keywords:blog, Web 2.0 knowledge co-construction, general arts curriculum in universities, blended curriculum, web-based learning community