期刊目錄列表 - 67卷(2022) - 【師大學報】67(1)三月刊(本期專題:展示亞洲:從博覽會探索國族形象和認同)

作者:Shahmima Akhtar(倫敦大學皇家哈洛威學院歷史學系講師)




《詳全文》 檔名

    1. “A Japanese Exhibition.” Globe, 12 August, 1909.
    2. “A Japanese Exhibition.” Morning Advertiser, 13 August, 1909.
    3. “A Paper Read Before the Royal Society of Arts.” Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 3 June, 1910.
    4. “A Unique Exhibition.” The Times, 24 April, 1909.
    5. “Address by Count Mutsu.” The Times, 20 January, 1910.
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中文APA引文格式Akhtar, S.(2022)。「今天我為日本做足了嗎?」1910年日英博覽會裡的日本殖民村的呈現。師大學報,67(1),41-69。https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202203_67(1).0002
中文Chicago引文格式Akhtar, Shahmima,〈「今天我為日本做足了嗎?」1910年日英博覽會裡的日本殖民村的呈現〉,《師大學報》,67卷1期(2022):頁41-69。https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202203_67(1).0002。
APA FormatAkhtar, S. (2022). “Have I done enough for Japan today?”: Japan’s colonial villages in the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 67(1), 41-69. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202203_67(1).0002
Chicago FormatAkhtar, Shahmima. ““Have I Done Enough for Japan Today?”: Japan’s Colonial Villages in the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 67, no. 1 (2022): 41-69. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNU.202203_67(1).0002.

Journal directory listing - Volume 67 (2022) - Journal of NTNU【67(1)】March (Special Issue: Exhibit Asia: Exploring National Image and Identity through Exhibition)

“Have I Done Enough for Japan Today?”: Japan’s Colonial Villages in the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910
Author: Shahmima Akhtar (Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London Lecturer in History)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 67, No. 1
Date:March 2022

  The Japan-British Exhibition of 1910 opened from 14 May to 29 October to celebrate the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, signed in 1902. An interesting imperial competition was visualised with Japan’s colonies and Britain’s colonies. The exhibition celebrated the relationship between Britain and Japan in the interests of commerce, trade and profit for both nations. The 1910 Exhibition became Japan’s introduction to the West – a showcase of all things Japanese for the British, and international market. There was a huge organisational drive behind representing the countries wares and 2,200 exhibitors participated. In this article, I will compare the Formosan and Ainu villages which were symbols of Japan’s imperial dominance and consider the Irish Village in the 1910 Exhibition to uncover how the many modes of rurality, coloniality and authenticity sought to create a vision of Japanese dominance in a British Empire display.

Keywords:British Empire, colonial villages, international exhibitions, Ireland, Japan