期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十六期 (1991)

作者:李大偉、林 薇(國立臺灣師範大學工藝教育系所)




Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 36 (1991)

Curriculum Models for Junior High School Students to Take Industrial Arts and Home Economics
Author: Ta-Wei Lee, Wei Lin(Dept. of Industrial Arts Edu., NTNU)


Due to the concept of sex-stereotyping and the traditionally man-dominated job market, the arrangement of "industrial arts for boys, home economics for girls" has long been consid-ered as a matter of course. However, according to the nature of the future world of work and life style, there would be no difference between the role of men and that of women. In other words, the career development patterns and experience of both sex might be the same or sim-iliar.
Recently, some junior high schools in Taiwan have already offered industrial arts and home economics for both boys and girls to expand their career exploration experience.
The major purposes of this study were: (1) to find out the opinion of junior high school administrators and industrial arts / home economics teachers on offering industrial arts and home economics courses for both girls and boys ; (2) to explore the curriculum models of in-dustrial arts and home economics which are currently being adopted ; and (3) to find out the effects of different curriculum models on students' learning satisfaction and vocational maturity.
The conclusions reached were : (1) most students were satisfied with the current course content of industrial arts or home economics, but not "very satisfied" ; (2) most industrial arts and home economics teachers agreed that industrial arts and home economics should be of-fered for both boys and girls, but they did not think it is necessary to combine these two courses as one ; (3) in terms of the effects on students' learning satisfaction and career matu-rity, there was no significant difference among the three curriculum models : "industrial arts on-ly", "home economics only", and "both industrial arts and home economics" ; and (4) most stu-dents tended to agree that either boys or girls should take both industrial arts and home eco-nomics.