期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十七期 (1992)



近年來,由於民主思潮的影響,教育機會均等的理想,逐漸受到各國的重視,因此如何為全體國民提供較長年限的、普及的、全民的、免費的國民教育,乃成為各國共同努力的目標,所以國民教育向下延伸,不但是世界先進國家之重要發展趨勢,也是今後我國教育發展之必然趨勢。本文就「我國國民教育向下延伸」加以分析探 討。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 37 (1992)

An Analysis of the Downward Extension of National Education in the Republic of China
Author: Lin Tsao-feng(Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


Equal education opportunity is greatly concerned in most of the countries due to the impact of democratic thought. To provide free and universal public educa-tion for longer period for her people becomes a common objective to achieve in every country. This issue recently also receives much attention in the R.O.C. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the background and the directions of extending national education downwards in the R.O.C.
The contents of this study are structured as follows. The first section analyzes the necessity and the importance of extending national education downwards, based on its background and related factors as well as the arguments of equal education opportunity. The second section introduces and integrates the early childhood edu-cation developed in the world to find a common trend which helps to provide directions for improving and developing the early childhood education in our country. The third section reviews the present conditions of the early childhood education in the R.O.C. and then analyzes the potential problems and difficulties in extending national education downwards. According to the findings of this study, several sug-gestions are proposed in the final section for the improving and developing the ear-ly childhood education and directing the downward extension of national education in the R.O.C.