期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十八期 (1993)



研究者以宏觀的學術規劃,持續地以科學哲學為中心理念,而以認知心理學為經、以近代測量理論為緯,進行科學知識、科學方法及科學態度的研究。過去十年,研究者已成功地整合了上述的三個重要領域,而在「科學過程技能」的研究有了重大的突破;目前,更積極地進行「科學知識理解與推論歷程」、「科學態度形成過 程」等的研究。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 38 (1993)

The Study of Students' Mental Models of Scientific Knowledge and Latent Trait of Scientific Attitudes by Rasch Model
Author: Rong-Fu Shu(Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University)


The author keeps studying scientific knowledge, scientific method, and scientific attitudes based on the philosophy of science, cognitive psychology, and modern test theory. In the last decade, the author successfully integrated the above three important fields so that the investigation of scientific process skill was enhanced. Nevertheless, he is more actively engaged in the research of the interpretive mechanism of students' cognition about scientific knowledge and the cognitive mechanism of scientific attitudes. The purpose of this research is mainly to investigate students' mental models of scientific knowledge and latent trait of scientific attitudes. Both the partial credit and the rating sacle models in the family of Rasch model were applied to the measurement and diagnoses. However, the measurement and diagonoses of the mental models of scientific knowledge and the latent trait of scientific attitudes were made precisely.