期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十八期 (1993)



欲達成全民「藝術生活化,生活藝術化」的目標,則必須從全民藝術欣賞教育做起,而欲推展我國藝術欣賞教育,以提昇全民欣賞藝術的環境與能力,實應先瞭解世界各主要國家藝術欣賞教育發展情形,藉以截長補短,做為參考與借鏡。限於時間與經費,本研究雖以全體民眾為社會藝術欣賞教育之對象,但所研究之範圍則採狹義的定義,將『社會』視為學校以外之社教機構。又因『藝術』包含之範圍甚廣,本研究則以藝術中之『美術』為探討重點,以世界各主要國家美術館社會美術欣賞 教育現況為研究範圍。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 38 (1993)

Comparative Study of Public Art Appreciation Education among Fine Art Museums of Major Countries around the World
Author: Ann C S Kuo(Graduate Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)


In order to achieve the goal of art for all, it is necessary to start with art appreciation education for all. In order to promote art appreciation education in the ROC with the aim of en-hancing the environment and capabilities for the general public's appreciation of art, we really need first to understand how art appreciation education has been developed in the major countries of the world, to serve as reference for remedying our shortcomings. Due to limited time and resources, although this thesis assumes that the adopted general public are to be the object of social art appreciation education, We a narrower definition for this study where "social" was regarded as meaning social education organizations apart from schools. Also, since "art" embraces a very wide scope, this study focussed on "visual art" within the whole spectrum of art. The scope of this study was confined to social fine art appreciation education as currently practiced by fine art museums of major countries around the world.
The following recommendations were put forward on the basis of this study and its
l.The museum director should take the lead in promoting the concept of art education, establishing a consensus among the entire museum staff and mapping out policies and plans for the museum's overall activities.
2.Art museums and relevant organizations should actively pursue planning and study of social education activities on the part of the museum.
3.In order to exploit the full potential of art education, fine art museums must grasp the follow-ing essential factors in planning their activities:
(1)Analyze the museum's interior and exterior environment.
(2)Fully understand the structure and needs of those learning from the museum.
(3)Establish overall and individual objectives for museum activities.
(4)Draw up a detailed schedule of activities, applying art education concepts and methods in them.
(5)Draw up administrative plans to deal with the activities' costs, marketing and promotion.
(6)Draw up a detailed and effective evaluation plan to improve the quality of activities.
The first step in improving the content of planning for art education activities by art museums must be the training of skilled personnel.