期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)



課程是學校教育的核心,國民中學的教育目標能否達成,課程設計是否完善,實為主要因素之一。因此國民中學課程的設計與實施已成為國民教育上的重要問題。自民國76年政府宣布臺灣地區解嚴,兩岸交流日益活絡,在此同時,除了應對大陸地區的教育概況有所瞭解之外,實有必要針對兩岸文化、教育狀況加以比較、研究。因此本研究乃針對「兩岸國(初)中課能內涵」加以分析、探討。首先,分別分析臺灣與大陸兩地區的初中課程內涵,包括課程演變、現況與未來發展,同時對 課程實施現況進行實施成效分析;其次,比較與檢討兩岸國(初)中課程內涵的異同與優劣;最後根據研究結果,提出數項提議,以作為發展與改進我國國民中學課 程的參考。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

The Research and Comparision of the Components of Junior High School Curriculum in Taiwan to Those in Mainland China
Author: Jsao-Teng Lin(Department of Eduction, National Taiwan Normal University)


Curriculum is the vore of school educational programs. The attainability to the goals of junior high school educational progroms is most likely to depend on the full-ness of curriculum design. Therefore, curriculum design and practice for junior high school has been an essential issue for compulsory education.
Since 1987, the R.O.C. government announced the release of martial law from Taiwan area, interactions between Taiwan and Mainland China are getting more and more active. Meanwhile, in addition to have a betteer understanding towards the edu-cational circumstances in Mainland, it is also necessary to compare the culture and educational status in Taiwan to htose in Mainland, and further, to discuss and analyze them. Hence, this study will focus on the analysis of "The Curriculum Components of Junior High School in Taiwan and Mainland China".
Firstly, it will respectively analyze the components in two places which includes the curriculum changing, the current status and the development in future : at the sane cime, the study will have a thorough discussion on the peerformances of curricu-lum practice presently.
Secondly, it will compare and discuss the differences and advantages of curricu-lum between Taiwan and Mainland.
Finally, based on the findings in this study, several suggestions will be made as a reference for improving the cuerriculum of junior high school in Taiwan.