期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)



本研究計畫是對全國設有科學資優班的十二所高級中學高三數理資優班及普通班學生,給予拓弄思創造力測驗並加予分析研究。結果顯示,無論是流暢性、變通性及創造性等能力,資優班學生平均得分均較普通班學生為高。另資優班學生不論在流暢性、獨創性和變通性成績亦高於資優班女生,而其中前二者達顯著性差異。而普 通班男生和女生在三項創造力測驗成績均無顯著性差異。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

Analytical Study on the Creative Thinking Ability of the Mathematics and Science Gifted High School Students
Author: Ming-Tong Wey(Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University)


This study was to examine the creative thinking ability between the science/mathematics gifted and average 12th grade students in Taiwan, Re-public of China. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) Abbreviated Form was administered to 1051 12th grade students which were 474 science/mathematics gifted students and 577 average students among the 12 senior high school in Taiwan at Nov. 1991. TTCT is divided into three p-arts which are Fluency, Flexibility, and Originality. Results were analyzed by T-test. It showed the gifted students were superior to the average stu-dents on all three of TTCT. Furthermore, the gifted male students got high-er scores than female gifted students on three of TTCT scores, and only the Fluency, Originality reached the 0.05 significance level. Moreover, t-here were no significant differences in any parts of TTCT scores between the male and the female average students.