Acoustic Analysis of the Citation Tones in Miaoli Sixian Hakka: Based on Semitone Transformation Formula
Author: Ming-Chung Cheng (Institute of Hakka Language and Communication, National United University, Professor )
Vol.&No.:Vol. 66, No. 1
Date:March 2021
This study acoustically explored six citation tones in Miaoli Sixian Hakka (MSH) in terms of semitone transformation formula. Twelve middle-aged MSH native speakers participated in this study. First, this study recorded the citation tones of these MSH native speakers; then, PRAAT was used to measure F0 duration. The F0 duration was averagely divided into 10 portions, and the F0 values of the 11 points were extracted. The extracted F0 values were then transformed into semitone values. Using the formula, the tonal values of the six citation tones in MSH were [34, 31, 41, 55, 42, 55], similar to those obtained using the T-value transformation formula. This study found that the descriptive discrepancy between traditional survey and acoustic analysis lies in the citation tones in the low-tone register. Therefore, future studies should emphasize the modulation of tonal values to match acoustic analysis with traditional survey.
Keywords:semitone, Sixian, Hakka, citation tone, acoustics
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APA Format | Cheng, M.-C. (2021). Acoustic Analysis of the Citation Tones in Miaoli Sixian Hakka: Based on Semitone Transformation Formula. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 66(1), 89-114.
Chicago Format | Cheng, Ming-Chung. “Acoustic Analysis of the Citation Tones in Miaoli Sixian Hakka: Based on Semitone Transformation Formula.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 66, no. 1 (2020): 89-114.