Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 37 (1992)

The Nature and Evaluation Modes in Measuring Hypotheses Formulating Skill Author: Rong-Fu Hsu(Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University)


In this study, we attempt to integrate author's researches about science process skill in last decade. The investigation of hypotheses formulating skill is to exhibit author's theoretical elaboration and practical consequences of researching in the field.
Hypotheses are the core of scientific inquiry processes. The author makes an integration of science process, philosophy of science, learning theory, knowledge structure, cognitive structure and representation, reading comprehension, and problem solving to probe the characteristics of hypotheses, the essence of hypotheses formu-lation, the importance of hypotheses formulating skill about conceptual formation and conceptual change, the schema of hypothesis, and the cognitive process model of responsing the items of hypotheses formulating skill test. Thus, we use these theoretical constructions to constitute the interpretative system. Furthermore, the item format and item response model are used to construct the analytic mode in this study.
By analysing author's researches in last decade, we investigate the interpretation and implication of hypotheses formulating skill organizers, changes of learning hierarchies, thinking patterns, item format, and test nature. Further discussion was made on the basis of the previous findings, and some suggestions on teaching and future research were offered.

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