期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)

杜牧散文之寫作藝術 作者:呂武志(國立臺灣師範大學國文學系)


本篇旨在探討晚唐杜牧散文之寫作藝術,要點有七:一、識見高超:牧文論兵言政,針砭時弊,常具獨到之眼光。二、情感激昂:牧文抒家國之愛,懷身世之感,多志司蓄憤,噴薄淋漓。三、布局巧妙:牧文結構嚴整,謀篇奇變,呈現靈巧之美。四、援事富贍:牧文廣引成辭,好徵人事,使立論堅確有力。五、摹寫傳神:牧文刻劃各階層人物,多血肉飽滿,情態俱盡。六、節奏爽朗:牧文句式參差,音節抑揚,具口吻瀏亮之美。七、造語奇俊:牧文精鍊、流暢、形象,其字句常有瑰瑋倜 儻,不可方物之妙。綜此各端,足徵杜牧散文之藝術成就;其卓犖不群,流譽古今,良有以也


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

The Art of Tu Mu's Prose Author: Wu-Jyh Lyu(Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University)


This paper examines the art of Tu Mu's prose in the late T'ang peri-od. Tu's prose is distinguished by the following features : 1. remarkable insights : Tu's works demonsturte his unique insights--both political and military--in his critiques on contemporary affairs; 2. loaded emotions: both in expressing his love for his country or in reflecting upon his personal life, Tu's works are loaded with powerful emotions; 3. artistic compositions: Tu's prose is well-organized, punctuated with variations and full of aesthet-ic beauty; 4. full of allusions: Tu used allusions of various kinds profusely to strengthen his arguments; 5. vivid descriptions: Tu's portrays of people from all walks of life are brilliantly executed and full of flesh and blood; 6. melodious rhythm: an euphonious effect is achieved through dexterous orchestration of syntactic as well as tonal variations; 7. idiosyncratic diction: the choice of Tu's words has been pithy precise and imagery unconvention-al. All these features exemplify the artistic achievement of Tu's prose, ac-count ofr his reputation and certainly will guarantee the immortality of his works.