期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十期 (1995)

研究生的科學知識信念的研究 作者:張子超(國立臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所)


諾瓦克(Novak)的「人類建構論」(Human Constructivism)指出學習是一種意義建夠的過程,而這意義需包含心理學和哲學認識論的範疇;據此,本研究在於探討研究生對於科學知識的信念 及態度。對於認識論的定義及類別,本研究室根據努茲堡(Nussbaum)對哲學派別的分析、林肯及辜巴(Lincoln & Guba)對後實證哲學和自然哲學所給的區別、及艾德默生(Ed-mondson)對邏輯實證主義和建構主義的描述。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 40 (1995)

An Investigation of Taiwanese Graduate Students' Beliefs about Scientific Knowledge Author: Tzuchau Chang(Graduate Institute of Environmental Education , National Taiwan Normal University)


This research, focused on graduate students' beliefs about scientific knowledge, is guided by Novak's "Human Constructivism", which addresses a constructive perspective on education with a unity of psychological and epistemological meaning making. Nuss-baum's analysis of philosophical perspectives, Lincoln and Guba's distinctions between postpositivism and naturalism, and Edmondson's categorization of logical positivism and constructivism form the base for the discussion of epistemological beliefs in this re-search.
The research design includes a questionnaire survey and the descriptive statistical analysis. Its methodology is qualitatively oriented. It relies on descriptive analyses of survey results, rather than hypothesis testing.
The students' epistemological beliefs about scientific knowledge are revealed through their responses to questions that identify six core factors: observation, inquiry process, data, inquiry results, knowledge, and the development and growth of knowledge, which are adapted from Edmondson's questionnaire. This research shows that the students express different epistemological beliefs about different core factors, so their overall epistemological commitments are not consistent.
Overall, the students hold moderate positions while discussing epistemological issues, but they adopt a firmly logical positivist view to deal with the issues relative to their re-search work. This suggests the dominance of logical positivism in school education and research settings. However, that their moderate position on epistemological issues also shows their awareness of the constructivist perspective.

Keywords:Epistemological beliefs, constructivism, logicalpositivism