期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十一期 (1996)

美國伊利諾州立大學美術與設計學校附設週末美術課程之教育功能探討 作者:陳瓊花(國立臺灣師範大學美術學系)


美國伊利諾州立大學美術與設計學校附設週末美術課程,成立於1962年,這項課程的設置,旨在幫助有志於教職之美術及設計學系的同學,經由實際教學的經驗,發展其日後從事教學所需之各項專業技能,以便成為稱職的教育人員。本文從此校有關此課程之運作及管理,探討其所發揮之教育功能,並提出作為國內正值開 放教育學分之際,大專院校美術科系附設假日修習美術課程之可行性,及其價值與意義之參考。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 41 (1996)

The Educational Function of Saturday Art Class Program at the University of Illinois Author: Chiung-hua Chen(Department of Fine Art Department, National Taiwan Normal University)


The Saturday Art Class Program, established in 1962, is sponsored by School of Art and Design, College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois. The program of Saturday Art Class is designed to help the students of School of Art and Design to become a confident and effective teacher. Through the practice in teaching art, stu-dents will work to develop and master skills necessary to become an art educator.
According to the evaluation of this program which was conducted by author in the Spring of 1995, this article aims to : 1. introduce the administration and operation of the program, 2. investigate the educational function of the program, 3. discuss the weaknesses of the program, 4. make recommendation to develop a holiday art class in the University which provides art education credits.