期刊目錄列表 - 43卷第1期(1998.4) - 【科學教育類】43(1)

「同儕科學家意像」對訊息合理性判斷的影響分析 作者:楊文金(國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所)






APA FormatYang, W.-G. (1998). An Analysis of the Effects of "Image of Peer-Scientists" on Students' Judgement of the Reasonableness of Science Information. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 43(1), 1-17. doi:10.6300/JNTNU.1998.43(1).01

Journal directory listing - Volume 43 Number 1 (1998/April) - Science Education 【43(1)】

An Analysis of the Effects of "Image of Peer-Scientists" on Students' Judgement of the Reasonableness of Science Information Author: Wen-Gin Yang(Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 43, No.1
Date:April 1998


The aims of his study include: (a) describing class structures in terms of 'Image of Peer-Scientist (IPS)', which is defined by social schema theory; (b) investigating the stability of such structures ; (c) exploring the effects of Peer-Scientists (PS) and Non-Peer-Scientists (NPS) (students who are or are not attributed as scientists) on classmates' judgement of the reasonableness of science information. Two ba-sic instruments, 'Class Structures Inventory' and 'Belief Selection Test', were developed. Three junior college classes and four tenth grade classes were chosed as sample. Main findings of the present study are as follows: (a) All classes exist stable structures among classmates in the dimension of IPS; (b) While 75% of PS are male, but 85% of NPS are also male; (c) It will be judged as more reasonable when science information is presented with PS, and vice versa. Some issues and implications are discussed.

Keywords:Image of Scientist, Image of Peer-Scientist, Classroom Structure, Social Schema, Ratio-nality