Journal directory listing - Volume 50 Number 1 (2005/April) - Education【50(1)】

The Changing Role of Readers: Semiotics as a Theory of Education
Author: Yueh-Hung Tseng(Department of English Teaching, National Hua-Lien Teachers’College)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 50, No. 1
Date:April 2005


Semiotics is the study of “signs,” and this paper discusses the impact of Peirce’s and Eco’s semiotics on language theory and general education. Adopting this semiotic perspective means that readers or learners will no longer play a passive and receptive role, rather, they will now have an active role as interpreters of the text. This paper explores Peirce’s and Eco’s theories with respect to the process of interpretation, the role of the reader and of the text. In the context of educational theory, “readers” can be replaced by “learners.” Currently, Vygotsky’s theory is often seen as an alternative theory of learning and teaching; Dewey’s educational philosophy of experience is also often discussed. However, the author believes that, in our ongoing quest for educational “reform,” we need more emphasis on the relationship between semiotics, cognition and educational theory.

Keywords:semiotics, educational theories, cognition, interpretation, Peirce, Eco, active role in learning

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APA FormatTseng, Y.-H. (2005). The Changing Role of Readers: Semiotics as a Theory of Education. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 50(1), 79-100. doi:10.3966/2073753X2005045001004