Journal directory listing - Volume 58 (2013) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【58(4)】December (Special Issue: Quality management and assurance in education)

(Special Issue) Outcome-Based Learning and the Quality Enhancement of University Teaching: The Practices of Chinese Teachers

Author: Pamela Pui-Wan Leung(Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 58, No. 4
Date:December 2013


“Outcome-based learning” (OBL) is a western approach to education and has not been widely adopted in Chinese teaching practices. Few precedents of Chinese OBL programs have been found in the literature and engaging entire teaching staff in the same department for piloting this approach is difficult. Therefore, this study describes how a higher education institution in Hong Kong promoted OBL to Chinese students. We compared pre- and post-revision course outlines and feedback obtained from teachers and students in the experiment and adopted qualitative and quantitative content analysis methods to examine the effects of OBL on enhancing teaching quality. The findings indicated that the influence of OBL on the close alignment of learning outcomes, teaching activities, and assessments has facilitated improved student learning experiences more than traditional teaching approaches have. To sustain a quality OBL program, institutions should support the ongoing professional development of teachers and maintain a balance between quality assurance and teacher autonomy. In addition, teachers should consider their daily practices, adjust various teaching arrangements, ensure that expected learning outcomes based on various program aspects are aligned, and establish appropriate and effective assessments.


university teaching, outcome-based learning, multiple assessments, constructive alignment, learning outcomes

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APA FormatLeung, P.-P. (2013). Outcome-Based Learning and the Quality Enhancement of University Teaching: The Practices of Chinese Teachers. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 58(4), 1-35. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2013.58(4).01